Chapter 5

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I don't own Naruto, the images or the music!

Hotaru P.O.V

I woke up with so much pain and soreness which made me sigh, I started trying to get up and saw Naruto sleeping on the floor which made me smile.
I decided to go and take a shower to see if the pain would stop for a bit and so I could think.

- Kurama?

- ................................

- Please don't give me the silent treatment...I couldn't hurt her.


- I'm sorry...I just couldn't. I won't do it again Kurama...I promise.

He sighed.

- Fine brat!

I smiled.

- Thank you Kurama.

I was done and went to the kitchen to eat something.

- Good morning sweetheart.

- Good morning, you're up early. Something wrong? – I said.

Otou-san came towards me and hugged me which made me wince in pain since I'm really sored.

- Sorry. – Otou-san said.

- It's okay.

- I'm sorry I wasn't there to stop her. – Otou-san said sad.

- You did stop her Otou-san, don't worry about it. I'm fine now.

- Why didn't you fought back or defend yourself? – Otou-san asked me.

- You taught us not to kill our team mates. – I stated.

- least one of you paid attention. – Otou-san said.

I smiled.

- Don't go away again.

- know I can't promise something like that, but I'll try.

He sighed.

- Fine. Go wake Naruto up so we can have breakfast. – Otou-san said.

- Hai!

I went to my room and saw him there, still on the floor.
I smiled.

- Naruto wake up. – I said quietly.


- Nii-san...wake up. – I said a bit louder.

......................nothing...................................I smiled evilly.

- Naruto...Kakashi-sensei is eating all your ramen.

- NO!!! – he screamed and immediately got up and went to the kitchen.


- Huh? – Otou-san said.

I burst out laughing but winced in pain.

- Don't make me laugh, it hurts. – I said.

- What did you do Hotaru? – Otou-san asked lifting an eyebrow.

- I tried to wake him up, but he wouldn't so...I told him you were eating all his ramen.

He sweat dropped.

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