Chapter 8

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I don't own Naruto, the images or the music!

We started walking and after some hours we stopped.

- Shikamaru, let's hear your plan first. – Otou-san said.

- Sure, I just have to change it a little to account for you and Hotaru. – Shikamaru stated.

- Whenever you're ready. – I said.

- I'll break it down into several different scenarios and explain each one. Things will vary depending on what happens, so I need you to remember them all. – Shikamaru said and we all nodded.

Then he explained...the plan is...incredible! But then I sighed when he told me who the group was.

- Something wrong? – Otou-san asked.

- Well... - I laughed nervously.

- What? – Otou-san asked raising an eyebrow.

- I may have or may have not a hate relationship with Hidan...the immortal one. – I said.

- Why? – Otou-san asked.

- I cut his head and other parts of his body off...more than he basically hates.

They all sweat dropped.

- Kakashi-sensei, take this. Use it when you see an opening. – Shikamaru said.

- Actually, do you have another one? – I asked and Shikamaru nodded.

- So take 2, Otou-san. It's not that I don't believe in you Shikamaru, but you see...Hidan is a bit spontaneous so I'll help you. – I said and Shikamaru agreed.

- Got it. I've got to hand it to you. You've learned a great deal about the enemy for having only encountered them once. – Otou-san stated.

- There's still a lot we don't know about the other one, unfortunately. – Shikamaru said.

I smirked.

- S-rank missing nin from Takigakure partner of Hidan. He's an extremely powerful ninja, earning membership into the S-rank organization of Akatsuki. During his frequent rages, he killed all of his partners in the organization. That's why Hidan is his partner due him being immortal. Kakuzu's high combat prowess and vast array of techniques allow him to fight several opponents at once while generally controlling the pace of the fight. – I said and they widened their eyes in shock.

- I think you're scaring them kid.

I sweat dropped.

- If you're surprised save it...there's more. – I said.

Then I explained more about him as well as his heart thingy.

- Even with all of his, your plan is suitable Shikamaru. – I said.

I putted a hand on Shikamaru's shoulder and said.

- Ready to go? – I asked.

- Hai! – they all said in unison.

- First, we have to pick up their trail. I doubt we'll find anything quickly though. – Shikamaru said and I smirked.

- Go ahead Hotaru. – Otou-san said.

- Huh? – the others said confused.

- I can sense their chakra, every Akatsuki member is marked by me which means for me it's easy to find any of them. – I explained.

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