Chapter 1

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I don't own Naruto, songs or images!

Hotaru P.O.V

I was now on the top of a tree relaxing for a bit and watching the view when.

-'s time to go. – Itachi said.

I smirked and jumped to where he was

- Hai, Itachi-sensei. – I said smiling.

- You know what to careful.

- Itachi-sensei...I was trained for 3 years by the Akatsuki, I'm sure I can handle an idiot, a pedo snake and a four eyes.

He smirked and poked my forehead.

- Go on then, update me when you can so I can keep Pain posted.

- Hai! Well, say goodbye to those creeps for me.

He smirked and nodded. I hugged him and said.

- See you soon...Itachi-sensei.

- See you soon Hotaru. Be careful.

I smiled and went away.

*Meanwhile at the Konoha Gates*

3rd P.O.V

A blond haired girl with a jounin vest, a cape with red flames on it entered the Konoha Gates and headed to the Hokage Tower.

- That's... - Kotetsu said.

- Namikaze... - Izumo said.

- Hotaru. – They said in unison.

Hotaru P.O.V

It's good to be back home, it's a shame that it won't be for long. I was now at the Hokage's office door so I knocked.

- Come in. – I heard Tsunade.

I entered, she and Shizune widened their eyes the moment they saw me.

- H-Hotaru? – Shizune said.

- Y-You're back... - Tsunade said.

I smiled.

- Long time no see...Tsunade-sama, Shizune-san. It's nice to see you again.

- So 3 years have passed. It's good to have you back Hotaru. I have some questions though. – Tsunade stated.

- I thought so. Go ahead. – I said.

- Why did I received a letter from the Kazekage to say "Thank you" to you when you get back? – Tsunade asked.

- Well...I warned him about the Akatsuki striking that day, although it wasn't good enough. – I explained sad.

- He said...if it wasn't for you the village would have suffered tremendously. He also said that he owes you and Naruto again. – Tsunade said calmly and I smiled.

- I'm just glad he's okay and so is Kankuro.'s Otou-san? I know he fought an Akatsuki member as well.

- Yes, he's at the hospital but he will leave today so he can rest at home. – Tsunade said.

- And the rest? – I asked and she smirked.

- Naruto and Sakura are fine. – Tsunade answered.

- You trained her well, even though she had help she did fight and helped kill Sasori. – I said a bit sad...Sasori was one of the people I got along with in the Akatsuki, he taught me a lot and was nice to me as well.

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