Chapter 29

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I don't own Naruto, the images or the music!

*Some days have passed*

Hotaru P.O.V

I was walking around the village.

- I HATE THIS! – I said frustrated.

- What kid? – Kurama asked.

- I don't have anything to do! – I said.

- HAHAHAHAHA! – Shukaku laughed.


- You're desperate brat! – Shukaku answered.

- BAKA! – I said to him.

- Well, at least you have us to talk to. – Isobu said.

I smiled.

- You're right

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- You're right. – I said.

Suddenly I sensed a familiar it?
I sped to where I was sensing it...the place where we had our survival test.
I looked and there he was...

- S-Sasuke...? – I said quietly.

He looked behind and smiled.

- Nice to see you again beautiful.

I widened my eyes and ran to him and hugged him tight.

- I missed you so much. – I said.

- I missed you too beautiful. I'm back now. – he said.

We stopped hugging and he kissed me.
How I missed this!
In need of air we stopped and I said.

- I have to tell you something love.

- What is it beautiful? – he asked.

I was about to tell him when.

- NEE-CHAN!!!! – Naruto screamed.

He appeared with Hinata on his arms.

- SASUKE?! WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?! – Naruto asked.

- Just now. – Sasuke said.


- Nii-san I'm right in front of you so...DON'T SCREAM!!! What is it and why are you carrying Hinata?! – I said.

- I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!!! – Naruto said excited.

I smiled and he put Hinata down. it's the perfect time.

- I'm so happy for you, Nii-san and Hinata! – I said.

- Congratulations. – Sasuke said to them.

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