Chapter 2 - The Meet

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      Y/n walked back from her job, leaves fell from the trees, while construction drowned out any sounds of birds. Y/n was soon completely focused on the scenery, so much so that she completely forgot she was walking. Eventually the inevitable happened, she ran into someone, rather someone ran into her.

Y/n Looked up to see the girl she saw yesterday. She pushed herself off the ground, and dusted her jeans off.
"Hey, aren't you the girl that just moved in?"
"Yeah, aren't you the girl that was talking to the officer outside my house?"
"Oh, you mean aunt mall cop?"
"I guess?" Y/n said confused.
"There's a lot of questions in this conversation, anyways I'm Mae, nice to meet you I guess?"
"Cool, I'm Y/n, sorry for getting in the way of your mid-day jog."
"Its fine,guess it was more my fault than yours." Y/n cracked a smile, the way Mae acted remined her of an old friend, and she had to admit she found Mae attractive, she knew it would be a bit forward of her but she decided to give Mae her phone number.
"Here's my number, call me if you want to talk about life or something." Y/n tried her best to keep her cool, but anybody walking by could she the bright red tint on her cheeks.
"Um, sure, sounds great."

~Mae pov~

      I burst into the Snack Falcon.
"You suddenly got good at bass?!"
"What? No, but there was this really pretty girl and I accidentally ran into her, and then she gave me her phone number, and I think she likes me!"
"Dude, tell me what happened from the beginning!" Gregg said waving his hands in the air excitedly.
"I just did."
"What? That's all that happened?"
"Yep. Pretty much."
"I dunno dude seems too good to be true."
Mae held up the peice of paper that Y/n gave her.
"Do you believe me now?"
"Congrats man, hey band practice tonight, don't forget."
"You sound sarcastic."
"Well, you could've just wrote down some numbers on a piece of paper."
Mae threw her hands in the air before responding. "Whatever, see you at band practice!"

(Authors Note): A bit of a short chapter, but 'ya know finals and shit so yeahhhh.


(DISCONTINUED) Let's do Crimes! (Human Mae x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now