Chapter 5 - Late Night Talk

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A/n: Guys, I did it, I am no longer a single pringle! Of course, I met my girlfriend online and she's all the way across the world, but that's fine, cuz I love her :3 (Also this chapter is slightly sexual, no sex but it is suggestive, children beware!)

        I woke up, my head felt foggy, in fact, my entire body felt sluggish. The bed I was in didn't seem familiar,  I looked over to see Mae next to me in bed, I blushed slightly wondering what exactly we did last night. I shook her lightly so she would wake up, she stretched while yawning before opening her eyes.

"Um, did we do the do?" I asked awkwardly, my face got hotter by the second, I could only assume that my face was as red as a tomato.

"The do?"

"Ya know when two people love each other very muc-"  I was cut off by Mae laughing.

"No, I couldn't find your house key so I brought you to my house." She brushed a short blue hair behind her tan ear.

God, she's adorable. I sat up, thanking Mae for her gesture before realizing it was still dark outside.

"What time is it?" I asked, noticeably still groggy. Mae checked her phone, she squinted,  trying to concentrate on the bright screen however her eyes soon turned wide from surprise.

"It's only one in the morning?" She said, sounding as skeptical as I was. I thought I had been asleep for hours upon hours when in reality I only slept for two hours.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't make sense to leave now," I glanced away for a moment, the moon was big and bright, almost looking like a big eye in the sky. "I'll stay here 'till the sun rises, then I'll get outta your hair."

Mae looked upset by my comment. "Okay, well g'night then!" She turned on her side, as did I, but no luck ensued because no matter how hard I tried I couldn't sleep. After what felt like an eternity of tossing and turning Mae spoke up.

"Can't sleep kitten?" She purred.


"Pft, yeah, that's what you told me to call you when you were wasted, I think you may have been half-asleep though." She mentioned with a giggle.

"Oh," I don't remember this at all, how much did I actually say last night, and how much of it was this embarrassing.

"S-so, um, do 'ya play video games?" I stuttered.

"Yeah, actually, Demontower is pretty good."

"Oh, um, cool!" I just noticed that she was only wearing her bra and panties, the bra was black with lace lining the back and bottom, I couldn't see her underwear but I assume they were similar.

"This is a bit of a personal question but- have you ever had sex?" My cheeks lit up as I realized what I just asked her, this would bring up another question for myself, were we in a relationship, I mean it was never really established. Mae took a while to answer the question.

"You don't hav-" I was interrupted before I could get the next couple of words out.

"No, I'm still a virgin, what about you?"

(DISCONTINUED) Let's do Crimes! (Human Mae x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now