Chapter 4- Hanging Out

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A/n- Whoo! I'm back, been a long-ass time but I am going to try and keep uploads as consistent as possible! I'm here, queer, and going to write some lesbian fanfiction. (Also I had to publish this two times because my cat is a dick and stepped on my mouse causing it to publish before it was done, so sorry if this popped up in your notifications twice)

~Y/n pov~

           I walked silently beside Mae. She said that we were going to a party with one of her friends, anxiety spread throughout my body, I've never been invited to a party.  We soon stopped in front of a store called The Ol' Pickaxe. She entered the store, with me close behind, of course.

"Hi, Bea!" Mae cheerfully greeted the girl behind the counter, who had a cigarette in her mouth, her teeth were stained yellow, all while her long blue braid dangled over her shoulder.

Bea's eyes shifted over to me.

"Who's that." She asked, pointing to me.

"Oh, that's Y/n, she's coming to the party with us."

 I shifted uncomfortably, first a party filled with random people and to make it worse the girl that's driving me there probably doesn't like me, in fact, she doesn't seem like the type that likes many people. What the hell am I even doing here, all I'm going to do at the party is melt into the background, possibly looking for a dog or cat to pet until we leave. After more needless conversation we got in the truck, where both Mae and Bea became silent, only talking a few times throughout the long ride.

~Le amazing lazy time skip~

      I pressed my back up against the wall, my eyes were locked on Mae, it was a bit weird seeing her dance. I felt someone's arm wrap around my shoulder, I nearly jumped as my nose was attacked by the stench of alcohol.
"Hey cutie, you wanna drink~?" The man who grabbed me was obviously older than anyone else here.

"Um, I guess I could have a drink or two." I hesitantly took the unopened beer from his hand, soon enough he stumbled off somewhere, probably to creep on some other girl. Sighing, I looked back at Mae before cracking open the beverage. It tasted like gas, how could people drink this shit? I quickly chugged it, wanting to get it over with. Throwing the can on the ground I realized that I felt a small headache form behind my eye. The bartender looked over at me, she obviously knew what was happening.

"Hey, drinking another beer will help." She pulled out a bottle out of a seemingly endless box. "Here." 

Crap, I shouldn't, but I don't want to have a headache, especially in a place with pounding music. Nonetheless, I took it.

How many beers have I had now, four, five? I lost track.

"Maaaaaaaeee~! I fell and I can't get up!"

Mae giggled while holding her hand out to help me. I got up, tripping over myself.

"Mae, Mae, listen to me alright? You're hot as heeeellll, like, ten outta ten bro." I nearly fell over again.  She looked away, a bit embarrassed. 

We walked to the truck, well, she walked, I hung on for dear life, occasionally tripping or stumbling. she laid me down, and before I knew it I was fast asleep.

(DISCONTINUED) Let's do Crimes! (Human Mae x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now