Chapter 6 - Dangerous Love

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I nervously laughed. "I almost lost my virginity." There was a pause. "In high school that is, I was a stupid kid."

Mae was flustered. "U-uhm, nice?" I nearly burst out in laughter at her response.

"Haha, nice?" I asked, now amused.

"I didn't know what to say..." She awkwardly said, avoiding any sort of eye contact.

"Hey, Mae?" I said in a hushed tone.


"Does this make us the virgin squad?" I asked, giving her a funny look.

"Pft, yeah baby there's a new gang in town, the virgin squad is kicking ass and taking names!" Cheered Mae, the cute look on her face nearly killed me. I gazed out the window, upset to see the sun high in the sky.

"Well, s-see 'ya later Mae." I stammered before quickly heading towards the door, my mind going wild with all the possibilities. We could go on dates, go to the beach, have nice lazy days if only I would ask her out. I stopped, turned, and managed to muster a sentence up.

"Hey, um, Mae, there's something I wanted to a-ask for a while." I scratched the back of my head nervously.

"Hm, what is it?" She asked

I played with my hands, now rethinking my decision. "So, I was, uh, thinking, maybe you and I could start dating, maybe."

She giggled. "You're so awkward! And yes, I will date you." My heart suddenly felt like it was going to fly out of my body.

"We can do crimes together!"

"Yeah, I'd love to steal some shit with you Mae, even though I've never stolen before.."

"That settles it then, tomorrow, on our first date, I will teach you the art of stealing!"

~Le next day~

"Uh, Mae, I don't know about this..." I whispered, looking at the employee at the front desk.

"You'll be fine! Start out with something small, like those belt buckles over there. I'll distract the employee."

"O-Okay." I moved to the back of the shop and waited for the signal. I was never the delinquent kid so I have no idea how to get away with minor things. Mae started talking to the girl, slowly, I began to reach for a buckle, I swiped it off the shelf right before the girl looked back, putting it in my jean pocket, and then casually walked out of the store, Mae close behind me.

"Did you get it?" She asked I nodded, bringing out the buckle and handing it to her.

"That was cool and all, but, what are we going to do with a belt buckle? Neither of us wears belts!" I questioned.

"Um, wow I never thought about that." She put on a thoughtful expression. "I guess it's a souvenir?"

"Well then." We stood in silence looking down at the buckle for a couple of seconds.

"Want to go to a restaurant? I just got paid." I said, breaking the awkwardness.

"Sounds good, where do you want to go?"

~Le time skip~

"Uh, Y/n, don't you think this place is a bit fancy? I know this is our first date and all but...." Mae started.

"It's fine Mae, I'll pay for it," I responded, giggling.

"I don't want you to pay for all of it!" She argued. "It'll take all of your paycheck!"

"Mae, it's fine, in plus you helped me when I was drunk as hell, that's basically the nicest thing someone can do." The waiter walked up to our table, sitting the menus on the table.

"What do you two want to drink?" His tone was a bit rude but I brushed it off, ordering my drink after Mae's. We then continued to chat while looking at our menus, getting to know each other better and other stuff like that. The waiter soon came back for our orders, everything seemed normal, but it soon took a strange turn.

"And I'll have the Seafood Plate please." Mae finished her order as we both closed our menus.

"Hm, strange seeing a criminal here, I hope you don't plan on dining and dashing." The waiter said with a condescending tone. I nervously laughed, not wanting to start any drama.

"Look. that was years ago, I'm just here to have a nice meal, so back off." Mae responded, furrowing her brow.

"If I remember correctly, you were banned from this restaurant, so I wouldn't be so cocky if I was you."

I was starting to get a bit annoyed by his comments, he had no right to be as rude as he was.

"Listen, bud, how about you go fuck yourself. Last time I checked waiters were supposed to have common decency." I refuted, getting ready to slap him if he made another comment.

"I can get both of you kicked out in a second."

"Go ahead, I'm sure there are plenty of better diners in this town." I barked. The argument lasted for a bit longer, and it managed to get the attention of nearly everyone in the room.

"Baby, I think you should calm down," Mae interjected. "I can get my mom to cook us something, it'll be way better than this crap." She suggested, I sighed and agreed.

"Okay, let's leave these jerks alone with their fancy shit." I joked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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