Chapter 3- The Blackout

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      "Idiot!" Y/n yelled at herself as she entered her house
"Couldn't of been more subtle, nope I just had to go right in."
She flopped on the couch holding her face in one of her hands.
"No,you know what I thought she was cute and I took action, I say it was a win."
'But what if ahe doesn't like you back?'
"She totally likes me."
'But what if-'
"Shut up insecurities." After she finished the conversation with herself she pulled out her phone and turned on her data, since she hadn't gotten internet yet.

Nothing new, just the same boreing news stories and dog videos she had seen yesterday.

However her boredom was quickly cut off by the power going out, the only light she had was from her phone.

"This is just great. Well, I better go see if the lights are out for the entire naiborhood."

She peaked her head out of the door to see that none of the lights are on. And with it already getting dark outside it was hard to see anything.
She went back inside her house.

"Well, my phone is at twenty percent, basically everything I have in my fridge needs to be cooked, and I have nothing to do, this day is just perfect." Sarcasm dripped from her voice like poison off the teeth of a snake.

Her phone ringed.


"Hey, is this Y/n?"

"Yeah who is this?"

"Mae, I need a ride, it's dark and I can't see anything, do you have a car?" Y/n took a minute to process the request.

'Yes! This is my chance!'

"Yeah, sure where you at?" She said playing off her excitement. 

"Near the Snack Falcon."

"Cool, I'll be there in a second." She hung up the phone, taking a couple of seconds to do a small victory dance. She snatched her keys off the table and jumped in her car.

"Okay Y/n you've spent way too much time being single, you can't mess up a car ride, just be cool and don't say anything stupid." She murmured to herself, slowly pulling up to the Snack Falcon. She stopped near the black silhouette she assumed to be Mae, however upon a closer inspection she realized it was a male wearing a black leather jacket along with messy orange hair.

"Um, where's Mae?" Y/n questioned.

"Oh, I'm her friend she'll be out soon, she's just getting some stuff, I just wanted to see the girl that's she's been talking about so much."

'Holy crap, she's been talking about me? Fuck yeah! One point for Y/n!'

"My name's Gregg, nice to meet 'ya." He said sticking out his hand."

"I'm Y/n, even though I'm sure you already knew that." She said shaking his hand."

Mae burst through the store's doors, arms full of off-brand chips.

"Okay, I'm ready to leave, see you later Gregg." Mae yelled while getting in the car, dropping a couple of chips in the process.

"Bye man see you tomorrow!"

~Super small time skip~

"So hows life?" Mae asked while opening a small bag.

"Okay, I guess, got a job, close to getting internet."

"Teach me your ways, I still don't have a job."

"Man, I would love to sleep all day, you're lucky."

"Well, I might have to get a job soon, y'know parents being impatient."

"People grow up at their own pace, it took me a long time for me to even think of leaving the house, my parents had to push me out"

Mae laughed at Y/n's remark.

"We should hang out more, I think you would get along great with my friend Bea."

"Yeah...I would like that."

A/n- Sorry for the lateness, finals and junk, but soon I'll be going to Michigan so during the FUCKING 15 HOUR CAR RIDE I should be able to get one or two chapters done. 

(DISCONTINUED) Let's do Crimes! (Human Mae x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now