Who Took my CD?!

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Cho Lee's POV

My cousin Chanyeol (yes, from EXO. My family is studded with idols) gave me a CD which has our memories, good times..blah blah...

He said he made it himself and told me not to lose it, because it was really hard to make. I'm thrilled to watch the video in it. Haha! I

love him, I really do even if he's annoying, irritating and as the fans say, derpy, he actually is. But I'm more annoying etc. than him!

That's why we're each others favorite. And also that's why I'm so excited to watch the video, it'll show all the times where I annoy him.

Now where is it? Where did I put it?

Oh crap...it's missing!

"MONKEYS!!!" I called

They all assembled before me.(haha! That sounded so old fashioned). And I felt so pissed.

"OKAY....WHO TOOK MY CD?!! And where's Jackson?"

Mark raised his hand

I rolled my eyes at him. "Yes Mark?"

"He went out for a while, ran some errands"

"Aish..what if he knows what happened to the CD?! Ah!! I'm sooo dead to Channie oppa!!!" I whined

JB put his arm around me, I didn't get the chance to complain about it and take his arm off because I was too busy, thinking of what

Channie oppa might say.

"Why is the CD so important?" He asked

I looked up to him with such pitiful eyes. And with those eyes I also saw Mark balling his fist and Yugyeom glaring at JB. I must be

making things up because I like them...oh no...NONONO! I don't like them that way but uhm...they're nice? I guess..

"Channie oppa gave it to me"

"Woah..woah..woah! Who is this Channie oppa?!" Mark said

"Hmm? Park Chanyeol" I said casually

"As in the one from EXO!?" Youngjae asked

"Yeah..so?" I raised an eyebrow

"Dude, Chanyeol from EXO is your cousin, he's a major idol! That's like so COOL!" Jr. Said while shaking my shoulders

"Yup I know that but I don't treat him like an idol because he might be one but he's still a huge dork" I said while emphasizing the word


"What am I gonna do?! I. Am. Dead."

"You're scared of Chanyeol hyung? But he looks cute...like me. I think he's harmless, like me!" BamBam did more aegyo as he said that.

This guy really...oh let me rephrase that, this idiot really.

"I know he's harmless but still he gives me noogies! It ruins my hair." I pouted

"GUYS AND CHO LEE, I'M HOME!!!" Jackson said

I was the first to run to him

"Oh Cho Lee! Missed me?" Jackson said

"Haha!" I fake laughed then grabbed the collar of his shirt "Listen idiot, I would never miss you! Tell me where the CD is or so help


"What CD?! Are talking about me and the CD?!" He said while panicking

"Oh no..I'm talking about me and Mark, Krisus help me! YES! I'm talking about you and my CD! You took it didn't you?!"

"I won't answer your question until you let go of me!" He said stubbornly


"The CD..hmm?" He pretended he was thinking...maybe he was, I couldn't care less "Chanyeol hyung took it"


"He told me to get it from your room and I asked if I should get your permission, he said no. He said that it would be nice if it was a

surprise. He was just adding a few tweaks and edits to the video."

"That freaking Park Chan Yeol! He's so DEAD!!!"

*knock knock knock*

"Urgh..WHO IS IT?!"

"Chanyeol here!"

I opened the door and saw Chanyeol with his arms open.

"Hi Cho Lee ah! I missed my little ChoLoser!"

"Yah! Park ChanDork! You had the CD all this time!!"

"Yup, here it is" he showed it and flashed his signature derp smile "and I came here to watch it with you!"

"Ooh..can I join? Please Chanyeol hyung?" All of Got7 said

"Yeah of course! You'll see how annoying me and Cho Loser back then"

"Ha! He's still pretty stupid back then..haha my ChanDork oppa!"

After watching the video

"Bye hyung!!" Got7 waved as ChanDork was leaving

I gave him a hug then pinched his ear

"I really hate you Park ChanDork...you're sooo..dead! But..yeah, I'll miss you!"

"Aww...my very own Cho Lee monkey..don't be sad! I'll miss you too..bye!" He kissed my forehead then left

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