Package For Ms. Park Cho Lee (Contest Result)

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Cho Lee's POV

I went back to guys with Yugyeom and Mark. We were finally eating our dessert then some ahjussi working for my uncle barged in the


"Ms. Cho Lee, Ms. Sooyeon, the managers and Got7. Please pack your things and prepare to leave. We'll be leaving for the airport as

Ms. Cho Lee was informed." He looked at me, the cake in my mouth turned salty, sour and bitter at the same time.

Crap...I forgot to inform them.

Jr's eyes widened. Youngjae just stared. Yugyeom chewed his food properly as if he didn't hear anything...this guy. Mark just tapped on

the table. Ahn Ji shrugged and Jin Hyu fist pumped

"Please be quick..Mr. Park is waiting at the building" The ahjussi bowed and left

I stood up and prepared my things. I carried my luggage downstairs and jumped on the now I'm early? Everyone's still


I started to stare at the ceiling again. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"Cho Lee?"

"Yeah?" I looked to the direction of the voice

"I know it's too late to ask but did you eat the cookies?" Yugyeom asked shyly

" was sweet and tart. Delicious!" I said

"What cookies?" Mark said

"Ah..Yugyeom gave some to me" I said while swaying my arms

"Oh okay then"

"What's going on? My head hurts." JB said while carrying his bags

"You got drunk last night...what happened dude?" Mark said coolly but I sense irritation in his tone

"I don't know..did something happen?!" JB asked wide eyed

"Yeah...something did.." I mumbled

"Nah! nothing hyung" Yugyeom said

"Yeah don't worry. It's just nothing!" Mark said while removing Yugyeom's arm around me

After a while we're all complete. We went on the van and rode to the airport.

We finally arrived at Seoul and we quickly went to the JYP Building.

When we got down from the van, we saw Uncle JinYoung waiting for us. We all bowed 90 degrees to show respect.

"Everyone come with me! Except you Cho Lee ah...wait in the dance studio okay?" He said

"Yes uncle!"

They all followed him while I headed for the studio. I played the stereo and Henry's 'Trap' played. I started to visualize some steps, little

did I know I was already dancing.

Someone entered. An ahjussi came in while pushing a huge package.

"Are you Ms. Park Cho Lee?" He asked

"Yes, I am." I said

"The package is for you, please sign here." He said while handing me a pen and pointing to a blank line.


After I did that I started to check the HUGE box. Like I said,'s actually unusually large.

I tilted the box then I heard a shriek. I opened the box and two people jumped out.

"Ahh!!" I screamed

"Yah! Cho Lee's us. Remember?" A girly voice said

"Aish...this girl, we just didn't see each other for a month and she already forgot about us." A tall guy shook his head

"Ae Sook ah..Nam Joon oppa! You shocked me.."

Ae Sook and Nam Joon oppa are my best friends in High School. I'm really famous in school actually, since I'm JYP's niece and all.

AeSook was the one that caught my attention, she was small or petite in other words and quite pretty too. Me and Nam Joon oppa were

the only ones that knows her past which was terrible...but even so, she manages to make everyone she encounters smile. She makes

others feel happy even if she doesn't feel it herself. I even caught her crying once but she says it's just nothing... I hope she's fine now..

Nam Joon oppa is my best friend for life. He protects me and Ae Sook from anything or anyone that hurts us. He says that we're the

only girls in his life besides his relatives. He has a small crush on Ae Sook that only I, know about. He's also a kingka...popular with the

girls but is really of the qualities me and Ae Sook admire about him.

"Eh! I go with the name Rap Monster now. I'm famous you know, I'm from BTS!"

"Nope, because I think....Nam Joon suits you more! It brings out your inner softness haha!" I said

"I know right? That's what I said..I said that Rap Monster is too manly for him!" Ae Sook said

" like me for it!" Nam Joon pinched Ae Sook's nose......wait, are they dating?

"Are you guys....together, together?" I asked suspiciously

"Ae Sook ah..We're caught!" Nam Joon whispered teasingly

"Yah! What are we gonna do?" Ae Sook said dramatically with her hand theatrically attached to her forehead

"Caught? Yeah..right it's obvious." I said while hitting Nam Joon

"Hmm..alright alright!" Nam Joon oppa said with his hands in the air, a sign that he surrenders haha!

"Okay..if you say so!" Ae Sook said cutely while innocently batting her lashes

"Anyways, I'll introduce you to the guys I'm teaching." I said

"Teaching? You're will you teach them?" Nam Joon asked

"'re young. We're only in High school for Krisus' sake, except for Nam Joon oppa I mean!" Ae Sook said

"Just a summer job given by uncle..I'm their choreographer. I'm teaching them...a boyband that's about to debut." I shrugged

"A boyband?!" Ae Sook's eyes glittered

"Yah! I'm right here you know.." Nam Joon pouted

"Whoa have a boyfriend plus they're mine! Haha kidding!" I said

"No she's're attracted to someone are you?" Ae Sook teased

"Hmm..maybe" I scoffed

"Oh who?" Nam Joon asked

"Let's just see the losers, alright?"

Author's Note: Congrats to Got7_Fan_Girl for winning my contest! Please wait for the next coming chapters, you'll be included in the

next few chapters to come.<3 To those that weren't so lucky don't worry! I'll be throwing another one in time...~~~ also please read my

other stories..... I think you guys will like them!

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