Friends..they come and go.. But my family is always here

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'Friends Come and go but family is always by your side'

Cho Lee's POV

We all waved goodbye to Ae Sook. I turned to Nam Joon oppa.

I quickly hugged him, he got shocked but he hugged me back..

"You'll have to go too, right?" I asked him while my head was in his chest

"Sadly...yes. I'm leaving actually." He half smiled

"You really have to?"

"Yeah I do. I'm pretty busy too you know?"

"I know.."

I let go of him but he hugged me again.

"Hmm...we'll see each other again right?" He said

"Of course oppa."

We all went back to the dorms....except Nam Joon oppa of course, he already left.....

A few tears flowed down my cheeks....of course, I wiped them. I... I'll miss them, my true'll be a while before I see them


I went to the living room and sat on the couch.... I held the remote and pressed the on button. I thought of Ae Sook and Nam Joon

oppa.....when will I see them again? My only real friends, they're like my family....they support me and my every step but now...they're

taking their own paths....

I felt someone tap my arm.

"Oh...Mark? Yeah.." I turned and saw him.

"It's me. What are you doing here?" Mark said

"Me? Watching tv of course!"

"But the tv isn't plugged..." He chuckled

Oh so embarassing.....

"That....." I half smiled

"You seem really preoccupied. Any important thoughts?" Mark smiled

I looked down....should I tell him? This might embarass me more in this situation...

"Come can tell me.."

"Yeah there are actually...." I said

"Spill it out."

"I'll miss them... My friends, they were the only ones who were true to me."

"Let's go out." He said

"What!?" I almost shouted.

Seriously?!! This guy?? Asking me out?! I can't believe this!!

"No. I take your mind off of these things."

"Oh...uhmm okay then." I smiled

That crushed my spirits......

We went out and he took me to a cafe.

We sat on a table by the window.

"What do you want to have? My treat."

"Uhm...a choco chip frappe will do, thanks..."

"Okay. Choco chip frappe it is then." He smiled

I smiled back then looked at the window view. I saw the playground... I remembered the time when Yugyeom called me idiot for the

first time....and told me he doesn't want me to be sick...

"Cho Lee are you okay?" Mark interrupted my thoughts while handing me the frappe

"Oh yeah. I am." I smiled, accepting it

"You really seem to be out of it lately..."

I stuck my straw in the drink.. " Hmm..what do you mean?" I said as I'm sipping the frappe

"You're dazing out again.."

"Oh don't mind that.."

Mark just nodded as he took a swig of his iced latte.

I looked at the window again.... Those days, when the choreographer thing was still new to me.

"Wanna go to the playground?"

"Is it okay?" I said hesitantly

"Of course!"

He finished his latte immediately and pulled me out of the cafe.

I ran to the playground with Mark tailing behind me. I climbed the slide and of course....slid down.

Mark caught me and I swallowed a chuckle. He just smiled...oh so perfectly...

"Let's go to the swings.." He said as he ran off before finishing his sentence

I sat down the on the swing he pointed to.

I held the chains tightly and Mark touched my hands for a moment then let go to push me.

I went higher and higher until I felt cold drops of water drip unto my skin.

"Yah! Mark it's raining!" I shouted as I ran for shelter.

I stopped when I felt that Mark wasn't following me. I turned to look at him, he's playing in the rain...

"Mark ssi..."

"Cho Lee...join me!''

I ran to him then jumped in the rain, it was wet.......

And I slipped...

But I was caught safely in Mark's arms......

I looked at the soaked man in front of me, his hair is dripping wet, his clothes are very soaked and his skin is shining because of the

droplets. I could say the same state for myself.

He looked deeply in my eyes.

"I know you'll miss Nam Joon hyung and Ae Sook ssi but......we're also your friends. We'll never hurt you, we'll be your family. We will

support you in every step you take and every mistake you make we will be here for you. I know I will."

Author's Note: CLIFFHANGER! <3

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