Back story

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Things you should know
Y/n-your name
C/n- channel name
B/f/n- best friend's name
Damiell- about to be your ex
H/c-hair colour
H/l-hair length
E/c-eye colour

List will be updated if i have anything to add.

Y/n was always a top student in class. She became valedictorian in highschool and successfully finished college. She took the course related to animating. But first, let's go back when she was little.

When she was 9, Y/n's older brother, Damien, hated her for being so great in school. Sometimes he would even punch her, kick her, steal her valuable stuff. He was jealous of every achievement y/n gets.

What did y/n do?

"Damien, bro,"

"What do you want from me, nerd?!"

"Why do you hate me?"

"None of your business...."

"Come on, damien, tell me."

"Fuck you..."

"*shakes her head slowly* 12 years old, saying bad words. I'm just 9 and i know a lot."

"That's why i hate you."


"You know a lot... you achieved many things. Mom and dad love you. I get low grades. I'm jealous. I want awards and stuff."

"Damien, do you know how HARD it is to be a smart kid? It's annoying, people make you student body president and love you and chase you. You get invited to do stuff and join clubs even if you don't want to. Sometimes i even wish to be like you."

He looks at y/n.

"No annoyance, more relaxation. Do you see that now? Can you stop beating me up? *giggle*"

"Hey... you are right... but how am i gonna get mom and dad love me?"

"They love you... they scold you because you are not trying hard enough."

"Okay. From now on i'll work hard!"

When she was 15, her dad died. His dad was a soldier. Then that was when she changed. She started going places and hanging out, not focusing on school. School was TRASH for her that time.
When she saw her report card,

Her grades



Then her mom scolded her and his brother was worried.

Then she realized what she was doing was wrong, so she went back to her old self.

So time skip!



Present day.


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