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All 22 of the victims who were killed in have been named. Among them are parents who were coming to greet their children after the concert and take them safely home, as well as excited youngsters attending their first ever concert. The youngest victim was eight years old. I want to quickly say that is any of you need someone to talk to you can talk to me you can vent out or we can talk about anything. But i hope that non of you lost anyone to this attack or any attack there might be.

1) Megan Hurley

The final victim of the has been named as 15-year-old Megan Hurley from Halewood.

She was named as dead by her aunt Maxine Benson, as her parents are believed to be at the hospital bedside of her brother Bradley, who was injured in the attack. She attended Halewood Academy, who could not be reached for comment.

Mrs Benson wrote: "'My poor sister and Mike are destroyed beyond words... it doesn't seem fair for two kids to go to a concert and only one returns how in God's name could this happen to such a lovely family... heartbroken xx."

Su Benson-Carson posted a tribute to Megan Hurley, otherwise known as Megan Benson, on Facebook: "So sorry to get the sad news last night, such a devastating loss,, positive thoughts to relations near and far especially to Joanne Benson on the loss of Megan at the Manchester concert and positive thoughts to Brad who has been seriously hurt in the attack , we are living in a mad world where nothing makes sense anymore,,xx deepest thoughts go to all the family". 

A local woman has set up[ a fundraising page for the family, which has raised over £6,000.

It said: "We're raising £500 to help fund a beautiful send off for Megan who was taken far too early due to the awful attacks at Manchester Arena on 22/05/2017."

On Tuesday evening, there was a service held for those in Halewood affected by the news, in St Nicholas' Church.

Among the donors to the charity appeal was Andrea Church, who wrote: "My son Ethan went to school with Megan, such a lovely girl.

"My deepest condolences to Jo and Mick and a speedy recovery to Brad. My heart is breaking".

Neighbours told the Daily Mail that Megan was due to celebrate her 16th birthday next week.

2 and 3) Courtney Boyle and Philip Tron

Courtney Boyle, 18, and Philip Tron, 32, from Gateshead, have been confirmed as dead by family after the Manchester terror attack on the Ariana Grande concert.

Tributes to the pair have been released through Greater Manchester Police. 

Courtney's mother said: "My stunning amazing beautiful daughter you were my rock you made me so proud with all you had achieved and my gorgeous crazy Philip you made my world a happy place and now you are both my angels flying high in the sky."

Her father said: "I am going to miss my baby girl Courtney Boyle for the rest of my life. I will never forget you and I will love you forever. Grandad Bob misses you loads also."

And her sister wrote: "Courtney my wonder of a sister who is now a shining yellow star in the sky. "Phil, my stepdad, my costa buddy, you were always there no matter what to keep me safe and make me happy." 

Her stepfather had taken her to the concert and they hadn't been seen or heard from since.

His mother said: "Firstly, we would like to thank the emergency services, police, nurses, support staff, family & friends and the people of Manchester for their continued help and support which they have given us throughout this harrowing time.

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