Chapter 6

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Mary POV

I learned that Casey was the alpha and was 20. Jacob was the beta and was also 20. And Spencer was 20 also. Jacob found his mate. Her name is April. They are married and are living in the packs house. They will be having a baby boy in 2 months. Casey and Spencer haven't found their mate yet. We walked to the house and when we got there the house was a medium house which looked cozy. When we got there, someone open the door. And a Woman came out, I guess she was April. she was pretty. Her stomach was big and it didn't look like she was carrying a baby, it looked like she was carrying 2 or more. .

"Hey, you must be Mary. Jacob mind linked me about you. I'm sorry about what happened abut your mate and pack. Let me tell you this we won't treat you like that and we will take good care of you like a family."

"Thanks. And don't feel sorry about it. Its all in the past."

April took me upstairs and showed me my room. I started unpacking my bags and changed into something more comfy.

After changing, I went downstairs to the living room and didn't see anyone. So I decided to explore the house. After looking through the house, I went out to look at the backyard and saw that everyone was swimming even April, but she was in the small one.

"Mary come join us!" Said Spencer

"Okay, I'll just change."

I went upstairs and changed into my bikini

I went back outside and went inside the pool. Out of nowhere someone grabbed my foot and pulled me under water. I decided I have a little fun so I pretended I couldn't swim. I heard Jacob say "stop joking I know you can swim". And with that I stopped popping my head out like I couldn't swim, I just went to the bottom of the pool. Someone came and grab me by the arm and dragged me to the top. they put me on the ground and almost did CPR on me until I went BOO! They all scream and then started yelling out questions like "What you lie" "you can swim" "why did you do that". I did that because someone thought it was funny to pull my leg so I decided to play along. I smiled innocently.

Out of nowhere Casey carried me braidal style and drop me into the pool. I swim back up gasping for air.

Isn't revenge sweet. said Casey

Sure it is. I said while smiling.

------------------------------Night Time-------------------------

Today is the best day, I had in a long time. I don't remember when I had this much fun. the entire day we just talked getting to know each other and telling jokes. I told them about my past and it felt good to let it all out. I didn't even cry when I told them about Austin, which was good. Casey Told me the reason why the pack was so small was because 2 years ago their was a rouge attack and a lot of them died, so some decided to go to other packs because they said it was to heartbreaking to be staying on the same spots their families died. I knew how they felt, since my parents passed away I wanted to change packs , but didn't Carter didn't want to so we stayed. Now I'm just getting ready for bed. I lay in bed until darkness came over me.

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