Chapter 8

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Mary POV

I am now 2 months pregnant. I looked like I was 4 months pregnant. I looked like that because this was an alpha baby, so they grown faster. I would give birth when I'm like 5 months ( yay only 3 months left!)
April could have her baby any moment. She was almost 9 months and sometimes werewolves baby comes a little earlier than their supposed to.

The pack and I gotten closer. We got to know each other better. We also hang out a lot, except April because she was really big. Now we are all at the living room watching Family Guy on Netflix. We have been watching Family Guy for about 2 hours and none of us even complained. While watching the part where Peter was bringing the retarded horse home April started screaming that her water broke. We all got up and went to her side.  We helped her up and Jacob went and started the car. Casey carried her into the car and we went inside the car also. We were all panicking more than April. Mostly Jacob.

While Jacob was driving April started  getting contractions. She screamed and held onto Jacob's free hand. When we got to the wolf hospital we all got out of the car and Jacob carried April inside until he found a wheel chair. I followed Jacob and April inside the emergency room and Casey and Spencer stayed out and waited . When we got in the room they told April to change into a grown. After changing she came back a layed down on the bed. After a minute passed a doctor came in. And looked at April.

She's only 3cm opened, she's not ready to push yet. 'll come back and check you again later.
And with that he left. April screamed and kept on squeezing onto Jacob's hand. The doctor kept coming in after every hour to check on April. After six hours she was finally able push. Jacob was holding onto April hand and I was looking on the other side. I know its weird, but I wanted to see for myself and see how life was born. When the baby was coming out I was kind of closing my eyes. It looked kind of cool and weird at the same time. After the baby came out the doctor gave it to a nurse to clean it. It was a baby girl.

Wait there's one more. Keep pushing. Said the doctor.

April kept pushing and this time I was looking without closing my eyes. The baby came out and it was a baby boy. They were 15 minutes a part. After the nurse cleaned the babies, they gave the baby girl to  to Jacob and the baby boy to April. They were so cute. 

What are you going to name them?
I want to name him Jayden. Said April with a big smile.
I want to name her Hannah. Said Jacob.
They are such great names.  I am going to go get Casey and Spencer. They both nodded. I went out and found them. they came up running to me and asked if it was a boy or a girl .

Well why don't you go see for yourself.
I lead them to the room. They went in and saw the Hannah and Jayden.
Their Twins. They said at the same time.
Yes. said Jacob

We stayed at the hospital until midnight and left. Only April, Jacob, and the twins stayed. 
When we got home we all went to our rooms and fell asleep.

Carter POV

What? I asked annoyed
I just wanted to talk to you. said Austin
I opened the door wider and let Austin in. He went in the living room and just stood there.

So what did you want to talk about?
I just wanted to sat I'm so sorry for what I did to Mary. I know I was a jackass and I will understand if you don't accept my apology, but I just wanted to say i'm sorry for everything.
Why did you have to sleep with her? I asked
I don't know, I guess I kind of wanted to.
You wanted to sleep with her but you didn't want her as a mate? WTH
I know i'm an ass, but I'M SOOO SORRY for what I did. Starting from when I bullied Mary  and dragging you along with it. And I'm also very sorry for making your sister running away.
It's not just your fault. It was also my fault for turning my back on her when she needed me the most. And you didn't drag me onto bullying her, It was my choice. I said still feeling guilty.
So we still buds? asked Austin .
I guess so, but not until you find my sister.

Austin POV

Yes! Carter forgave me, well kind of. I will find Mary no matter what. Not just for my friendship with Carter, but for finding her as my luna. I will find her no matter what. Even if I have too look everywhere, I will find her.

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