Is it meant to be....or just plain fake?

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It was a normal day.....I woke up about 5 o' dressed........brushed my hair and teeth.................rewatched a VenturianTale video....did the usual stuff I normally do in the mornings........and went to the bus. I stepped up in the bus and the bus driver looked tired, as always.

"Good morning!" She said happily.

"Morning...." I mumbled and went to the seat in the very back of the bus. "10 more more month....." thinking about the trip I plan on going on after I get to Texas.

Here I am just sitting here, on the bus, ecstatic yet tired.

I couldn't sleep last night..."only ten dollars away..." I kept saying to myself. "then I might get to meet Isaac..."

*30 minutes later*

".....DUDE I KNOW. And he wouldn't stop trying..."

Great. Freaking Gabe's here today. =.= I'm gonna go to sleep.

*30 more minutes later...*

As I walk my way to the door into the cafeteria, Coy tries talking to me...again.

"Hey Piper."

"Dude. I don't like you. After what you did to Kayla, no. Go away. Shoo." I shove my way through the crowd and say "HEY GUYS." to my group.

"PIPER GUESS WHAT." my "wifey" pretty much demands.

"What...?" I don't know what could make her so happy but okay...?

"I GOT 10 MORE DOLLARS!! NOW YOU CAN MEET THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE!!!" She started squealing and jumping up and down.


"Piper. I want you to meet Isaac." she said, while looking into my eyes.

"I wanna meet him too....I just don't wanna take your money...." I looked down.

"You aren't taking it. I'm GIVING IT." She started yelling again.

"Thank you, much, thank you...." I started tearing up I was so touched that my friends are willing to give me their money so I can have the possibility of meeting the VenturianTale crew.....yeah. I'm weak.

"PIPER!!" Oh no...Rhain's gonna tackle me.

I brace myself for impact and fall when he makes contact. He's strong for a midget, I must say. "Owwww......dduuuuUUuuude........"


"But....Jada's already giving me 10 bucks...."

"AND I'M GONNA GIVE YOU 50 BUCKS FOR JUST SPENDING THEN." He's way to happy about this...

"Why are you guys so happy about me leaving...?"

"NO REASON." Rhain and Jada must have planned this, they don't just say things at the same time....

"Okaaayyy.....?" I don't know what's going in so I'll just be happy and move on with life.

"MOM!!!" Kayla's gonna give me money now, huh?

I turn around and she stops right in front of me. "Rhain and Jada are already gonna give me 60 bucks."

And just as I finish, Jada shoves her $10 down my shirt.


"Well good for them." She throws the role plays at me and says something Japanese. "Koko ni iku!"

"Ow. My face. C'mon guys. Lets go to our other group. =3"

*later that day, after 6th period*

"GIVE ME MY HAND AND STOP PUSHING ME INTO THE LOCKERS." I was trying to make them stop. But they wouldn't. .-.

Kayla gave me her right hand, and we kept walking, on our way to "The Boys". When we got there, Rhain and Shaiming were in the middle of a poke war....again.

"Really boys??" I run over after setting down my backpack and start poking Rhain. He starts poking me and I start poking Shaiming and he starts poking me. "WHY ARE WE DOING THIS?!"

"I DON'T KNOW. Crap. Here's your money." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out $50 and hands it to me.

"Thank you Rhain. ^-^" I hug him, then Kayla, then Robert, then Ridgeway, then Jada and head to my bus. "BYE GUYS!!"


*getting off the bus*

"Piper wait." I get stopped by the bus driver.

I turn around. "Yes?"

"I know about your trip. I'm excited for you. Have fun. :)" she holds out $20.

"I can't accept...but thank you anyway Mrs. Celeste. :)" I walk off the bus and run home. When I get home, I get on YouTube and search "Venturian" and click on the thing. I don't know what it's called. ^-^° After that, I simply do my daily routine: check Facebook, check the VenturianTale shirt website to see if they put up any new designs.....nope....then watch the 2 videos. Once my mom gets home I run out to her and fangirl. "MOM. I GOT ENOUGH MONEYS."

"That's great hun. Help me with the bills."

"'s for my trip....."

"I WAS JOKING." She yelled in my face.

"Okay.....sorry......" to myself I add "oh my goodness gracious mercy...."

*in bed while I'm s'posed to be asleep.*

DeviantArt....messages.....oh. New feedback message. FROM HOMELESSGOOMBA. WUT.

"Sounds pretty cool. :) I guess I'll be seeing you soon then?"

Asdfghjkl.....he wants to meet me. °-° reply....

"Guess so. Hahah. ^-^ can we continue this conversation in direct messaging?"

Oh man. He's on right now..... O.O

"Of course! :)"

I get a notification saying "HomelessGoomba has messaged you!"

"Continuing conversation in direct messaging. ^w^"


":) so umm...where do you wanna meet up then....?"

"I'll pick you up from the airport if you'd like?"


"Did I really just send that?"

"Yes. Yes you did. ;) "


"Okay well...I'll have to talk to ya tomorrow. I have to get some sleep. :/ bye."

"Awwww why? :("

"School. Dx "

"Okay. Good night. Sleep well. Leave a like, leave a comment and I will talk to YOU tomorrow! *salute*"

":) *salute*"

Well that's a thing. Wow. Okay. Sleep time.

Is it meant to be....or just plain fake?Where stories live. Discover now