Comforting attempts.

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*Beth's P.O.V.*

Cierra had gone to the car to mourn and Jordan and I just waited in the waiting room. We both know it's best she be alone when grieving. It used to be Isaac doing everything he could to go in and comfort her. They were always's really affecting her the worst. As far as we know. We don't know how Piper's reacting, we don't know how Mom and Dad are going to react...yeah, aren't we great kids. Not telling the parents that their youngest son died. :/ I just don't know how to I guess is it....

*flashback time*

We just heard that our close family friend, Amanda, just committed suicide...she left Cierra a note saying,

"Please baby don't cut, don't follow me. I'm in a better place now. I'm happier here, in the After Life. I assure you though, it's not the best decision I've made, coming here so soon. And it definitely shouldn't have ended like this, with me here in the dark, alone, no one to tell me what's right. But you, you have Isaac and you have this letter. Remember me forever and don't forget our friendship, okay? You were the closest thing I had to a family, please Cici, don't join me yet. I'm not ready to see you part your family or to see them grieve. I love you with all that I have left, I'll watch over you, I promise. Don't ever say good bye, alright hun? It could be the last good bye you say to someone. I'm sorry for leaving you it's crap and school bullies and I can't handle the stress anymore! This is your temporary home, and you can't leave it yet. Please baby, don't cut.



P. S. It'll be okay."

They were so close. After reading that, we all ended up in tears. It's like someone turned on the water works and the thing to turn them off broke, never to be fixed. When Cierra finished reading it, she ran to our room and locked the door.

"Cierra wait!" Isaac ran to the door but it closed as he got there. "Cici...please, I know you're in there, I'm right out here for you, just let me in..." that right there always does the trick for her. Instead of the door opening, I hear Cierra yelling at Isaac.

"Isaac just leave me be, yes I'm alone but I'm alone to stay, now with Amanda gone, there's no one else that'll really know what it is to be beat, or yelled at all the time as a child.....please just leave me alone, Isaac...." me and Isaac just stand there, shocked.

Beat and yelled at? Wait what? Who would....could she be talking about Dad....? No, he's too nice to have ever done that! Who is she talking about? Would Dad have beaten her before we were born, me and Isaac that is...?

A few more minutes past of Isaac whispering to Cierra through the door and finally the door opened then once he went in, it was closed again. I just went with Jordan to his room and sat on Isaac's bed, seeings how he probably won't be in here the rest of the night anyway. Jordan gets a water bottle and opens it and chugs it.

"You want one?" he asks and I realize I'm staring at him like he did something terrible or something.

"N-no...but how can you be so chill about this?"

"Isaac's in there with her. She'll be fine." he says confidently.

"Yeah....I what was that she said about being beaten and yelled at about? Was it Dad? Was it an uncle? Who?"

"Dad used to beat her...up until you were born. Then whenever you and Cierra went to Amanda's house he would umm...he would beat Isaac and me....haven't you ever noticed how we all cower away from him? Beth, he favors you because he says you have some power or something. I think he says that because of your hair being red and none of us have anything besides normal brown...."

Before I can say anything, we here Dad get home. We know it's him because we know the sound of his truck. Jordan quickly says to not speak of it and turns over and pretends he's asleep. It is about 8:30 after all. I get under Isaac's sheets and fall asleep quickly.

*the next morning*

I wake up, still in Isaac's bed and see Jordan on his computer. I did not sleep well last night.....I tossed and turned and actually fell off the bed.

"Hey sleepy head. It's about time you woke up." He chuckled. "It's almost 10."

"Isaac is still in there?"

"Yeah. I heard Cierra crying all night.....then Dad got mad and went in there....."

"W-wasn't the door locked though?"

"Yep. I think you might be able to sleep in your own bed tonight. Possibly."

*a few hours later*

I'm watching Jordan play some Just Cause 2 when suddenly Isaac walks in and plops himself on his bed.

"Permission granted to enter my room?"

"Permission denied........"

"What did I ever do to her?!"

"Enough, Beth...."

"No, why? Why does she shut me out, why does she shut the world out?! WHAT IS SHE SO AFRAID OF?!"

"I said enough!" He suddenly throws a water ball or something at me and it seems to be alive, it pushes me to the wall and I hear Isaac gasp from his bed. Then I see Jordan and he's just horror struck.

"Beth no.......I'm so sorry.....are you okay?"

*end of flashback*

I should tell them....



"He's not dead."

"How do you know? Your guys' pact and just know?"

"'s like he's running....running far from home......why is he running? He can't be in that good of health.....not already......"

"You could be wrong. This hasn't ever happened to you." He's so doubtful at times......



"I wish to see my brother."

He looks shocked but nods and leads us to his room.

*Jordan's P.O.V.*

Beth tells the doctor to lead her to Isaac's room and when we get there he paused.

"Are you sure you wanna see him?"

"Yes." Beth was confident Isaac was still alive. I have some doubt that he really is though.

He opens the door and we walk in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2014 ⏰

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