The incident.

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*Piper's P.O.V.*

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP's 5 o'clock...I have 3 minutes to get ready.....then I have to check my DeviantArt, Facebook, Wattpad, then check YouTube for any interesting videos.

I get up, get dressed, brush my hair and teeth, then go back to my room and lay back down...DeviantArt first.....notifications......14 feedback messages.....I need to go through this and delete note...soooo.....personal message pretty much.....from.....HomelessGoombuuhhhh.....wut.

"Hey again...sorry if I'm being a bother....I just wanted to talk to ya for a bit before you went to school. :)"

"Or are you home schooled?"

"Oh wait. You told me yesterday. Heheh..."

Well okay. Soooo.......he WANTS to talk to me.

"Not at all, Isaac-sama. What topics, may I ask? Any in particular?"

"Let's talk about you."



"I'm sorry if that freaks you out at all......only if you're comfortable with that!"

"Yeah, I'm fine with it. I just didn't expect it." AT ALL.

"Oh, okay."

"So, what do you wanna know?" I'm slightly worried....what does he wanna know? My life story? No.....he wouldn't ask that....would he?

"Hmmm....just tell me about yourself. Your you look?"


"I'm not a very interesting person...I don't really do anything except watch you and your siblings...and sleep and eat. And I'm not really much of a sight to look at. .-. "

"Aww....don't say that....I bet you're as pretty as they get! At least you don't look like Sally Betty Jessica do you?"

"*blushes insanely* don't compliment'll make my family suspect something...."

"I know that feeling all too well..."

I look at the time and see that I have to get going to my bus stop.

"Sorry Isaac, but I have to was nice taking to you though!" I feel a pang of sadness and get my shoes on.

" safe out there, Piper....just make sure you don't trust anyone that looks the slightest bit like Jimmy Casket."

Did he really just........

"Alright, 'dad'. *rolls eyes* "

I smile, turn off my Kindle, grab my backpack and key, then I'm off. Back to Hell......

*Isaac's P.O.V.*

I sigh and turn over onto my back. Great. She's going to 'school'. I really don't like school. Bad things happened there....I wish I chose to be like my siblings and just be home schooled from the beginning....if I did that I wouldn't have to be so careful of my stomach at all times...making sure nothing puts more than 10 pounds of pressure on it.

*flashback time!*

First day of school....well, of third grade but it was still a PUBLIC SCHOOL. I jump up and down in excitement while I'm waiting for the bus.

"Isaac, sweetie." I hear my mom say.

"Yeah mommy?" I say not taking my eyes of the road where the bus is gonna be in just a matter of seconds.

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