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*Isaac's P.O.V.*

":) *salute*"

She's so adorable...I catch myself smiling and frown. If my family catches me smiling they'll think something's up....knowing them.

"What's up, little bro?" Speaking of.


"Don't play this with me. I know you Isaac."

"I'dkindabegladthatyouknewmeafter16years..." I notice myself slurring everything together.

"Dude stop. You're getting annoying with your slurring of the words." He sits up and gets a WATAH BOTTEL and opens it. "You have no reason to hide from me." And he chugs about half of it.

"Get me some water too."

"Õ.õ you never like water. You're always pestering me to get you apple juice or orange juice..." he gets me a bottle anyway and throws it at me.

"I know...I'm just really dehydrated." I sigh and catch it then open it and take a drink of the refreshing liquid that is.

"Oh. Okay. So tell me about this girl. What do you know about her? Do you know what state she lives in? Her age?"

"Her name's Piper. I haven't learned much. I think Washington. 14.....I hope she's not lying."

"So what's your plan of attack?" He says with a smirk.


"Stop slurring everything! For the love of Snickers stop slurring!"

"Keep your voice down..."

"Okie. Fine. But really...why did you offer to pick her up?" He asks taking another drink.

"How did you know I offered?"

"I was reading over your shoulder."

"Are you serious? -.-' those are my personal conversations Jordan."

"I know. And I told Cierra and Bethany about your entire conversation already. I texted them and now they're probably gonna walk through that door any minute now."

"Whyyyy.....?" I noticed a whine in my voice and felt a blush come to my cheeks. "Now y'all are all gonna pester me....."

"Duh. That's what we're for, right?" Cierra walks in with Bethany and Bowser runs in and jumps on my bed.

"Guys...can this wait for tomorrow? I'm tired." I take another drink and turn over, facing the wall.

"Nope." Bethany says happily and walks over to my bed.

"WHERE?!" Jordan sheathes an invisible sword.

"Really Jordan?"

"I will kill all of the Nopes."

"Go awayyyy.....I wanna sleep...." there's that whine again...

"You're never tired though..." Beth says with a suspicious look on her face.

"I know...but I wanna get up early so I can hopefully talk to her."

"Isaac, there's like a 3 hour time difference." Cierra says, she probably raised an eyebrow.

"I understand that. So go away." Bowser whines and I sit up to pet him.

"Fine... -.- " the girls say together. They walk out and call Bowser and I feel him jump off the bed and......there goes the click of the door closing. Cool. Now I can sleep.

"You are such a brat know that?" Jordan whyyyyy.......why can't you just shut up......?

"Yep." And with that, I hear him sigh and turn over.

"Good night, Isaac. See ya in the morning."

"Night, Jordan."


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