Stuck // Chapter 1

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"Y/N This is your last pizza order, its a big one. Deliver it and head to your home because I heard it on the telly that a huge blizzard is on its way. We're closing up until everything settles down. I dont want you to get into any trouble."

My boss Mr. Min directed me about my delivery. He is such an amazing person. Almost like a father figure to me. He is there for me as an adviser, as a friend, as someone who I can always go to. I never really had a male figure in my life. My dad died when I was just 2 months old and i've lived with my mother ever since. Sometimes I close my eyes and Imagine my father is calling my name "Y/N, Y/N, Y/N..."
Sometimes it feels like I can hear him in real and I just...


"Y/N!!!! Aigooo this girl. I have been calling your name since the past minute. Why are you still standing here?? Go on child. Do you wanna go home or not? Run along. Dont waste my time."

I rubbed my head because of the smack I got from Mr. Min. Ugh. I checked the time and it was already 8 pm. I need to get everything done If I want to get home early.

I quickly grabbed my stuff, a backpack in which I had extra clothes, my phone, a little makeup kit (just for touch up purposes). I keep this stuff here for emergency but I decided to take it home because It looks like it'll be a long weekend. Gave a kiss on Mr. Mins cheek. I cant help it. Hes just so adorable. An old guy at 4'6 height. I can't be mad at him. I soon said my bye to him and went on my way.

While driving I could see that the snow was getting heavy. I still had to reach that place. I was getting worried minute by minute. I think I took a wrong turn. AIIISSHH. I should've looked where I was going. It was currently 8:35 pm.

I quickly opened my Google maps and smacked my forhead.
"Why didnt you think of it before you pabo. I dont know what i'll do with myself. Seriously. All I wanna do is head back home. Snuggle up in my bed, with a warm mug of hot chocolate, AND MARSHMALLOWS! DONT FORGET THE MARSHMALLOWS." I thought out loud. I did that sometimes. I mean, Everyone needs expert advice, so I just talk to My self ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.

I finally reached after 15 more mins of roaming around the streets of Seoul. It was a medium sized single story house with a nice front yard. Which was all covered in snow right now though.

I quickly went Up the drive way. Took out the 10 boxes of Large pizza. WHO EATS THAT MUCH. HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE EVEN THERE AT THE HOUSE.
I tightened my scarf and my beanie, flung my back back on my shoulder because trust issues, stacked the pizza and carried it towards the door. At this point you couldnt see my face anymore.

I reached the door. But there was a slight problem. HOW SHOULD I RING THE DOORBELL??? And to top it off, the snow was getting heavier and im pretty sure i'll become a snowman in a few mins if I stand here. I laughed internally. I amuse myself so much.

ANYWAYS CONCENTRATE. Pizza. Delivery. Snow. Right now. I banged my head on the doorbell with my cheek. It worked but now my cheek must've gone red. Mr. Min is right, im really a pabo.

The door opened.

"The pizza is here boys! Come help me! Anyone? Aigoo these boys are of no help. I have to do everything around here."

It seemed like a guys voice. Because I couldn't see, Maybe because of the god damn pizza. I wonder if hes cute.

"Umm Miss, can you help me put the pizza in? Its already so cold out. I'll pay you inside. Come in."

He spoke again. Should I follow a voice inside their home even If I havent seen their face? Should I listen to a stranger when they invite me in? Should I act all impulsive? Should I stop eating junk food for once?
The answer for all of this is a Big NO.
But I did exactly what I shouldnt do. My feet moved on his voice. Its like they have a different mind. *Eye roll*

"Uh oh-kkayy i'll h-helpp you-u" I didnt realise how much I was shivering because of the cold until I spoke.

I followed him inside. I could just see his feet. He could have taken half of the boxes. What kind of man does not help a girl with boxes. Ugh.

He asked me to put the boxes on the counter table. I settled everything down and looked at where I was. It was the kitchen. The interior was beautiful, for a small house, it was super pretty. I wonder how the other parts of the house looked like.

Completely ignoring the fact that I was with a stranger man and at someones house I didnt know. I heard a cough. I looked up to see the most gorgeous human being I have ever seen.
Perfectly pink lips, face sculpted like a Greek God. He spoke to me. Something. I dont know. I didnt care. Just let me look at him for a little longer.

No! Stop. Y/N this is no time!

I snapped out of my thoughts.

"...So thats why I couldnt help you with the boxes im still sorry though. Tell me how much the price is so I can pay you."

"Uh yeah. Heres your bill. And um its okay. Yeah. Its fine. Any time. No worries.. haha.. Yeah.. well.."

I Slapped my mouth shut. Why am I feeling nervous. I regained my momentum and stood up straight. I saw him go to another room to get money. I stood their awkwardly checking out their kitchen.

Suddenly another Greek God entered the kitchen.

"Jin hyung why didnt you tell us the pizza was here im so hungry I can eat a horse right now"
The greek god number 2 said. Completely ignoring the fact that I was standing there.

I could hear someone from the other room say
"Ah taehyungsshi why would you eat poor Hobi"
Sound of claps and laughter echoed through the house.
Seriously, how many people live here?

Greek God number 2 was aware of my presence now. He gave me a cute box smile and extended his hand.

"Hi im Tae. Nice to meet you...?"

"Y/N" I completed his sentence shyly shaking his hand and retreated it back soon enough. Sadly. *sigh* such soft hands.

"You have a pretty name, just like your pretty face. It was a pleasure meeting you"
He gave me his box smile again and I must've gone red at this remark. My cheeks were on fire.
Before I could reply Greek God number 1 came back in.

"Taehyung stop messing with the poor girl. Dont mind him. He's like that haha. Sorry for taking your time. Here you go"

"Its okay. No worries. Thankyou. Hope to deal with you again. Annyong"
I replied. Gaining my voice.

I headed towards the door. Thinking of how it should be a crime to be this pretty and be at one place. Oh well. I wont probably see them again.

I opened the door to welcome the cold air to hit my face but nothing.. all I could see was a big block of ice infront of me covering the whole door way.

"Oh no. I hope its not what I think it is. What will I do now?"
I exclaimed. Perfectly knowing it was what I think it was.


A/N: First Chapter is up! I hope you all like it ❤

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