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Maya's POV


Stupid alarm clock. I groggily lean over to shut it off, squinting at the red numbers shining brightly in the surrounding darkness with a yawn. The digits indicate that it's far too early to be participating in life. I groan and pull the pillow over my face wondering why in the world I had set the alarm for 5:30 in the morning. Then it hits me. It's Thursday, that means we leave for our school field trip today.

Long story short Mr. Matthews had somehow convinced the school to let him take us on a different overnight field trip than the normal one. I don't know how but I'm not exactly complaining. We're nearing the end of sophomore year and he decided to take us to the American Museum of Natural History and then to Coney Island the next day. Although I wasn't thrilled we had to go to a museum at least we get to go to Coney Island the day after. Sadly, we're expected to turn in an assignment about the experience so that means I'll actually have to put effort into paying attention in the museum.

"Hey Maya you better be up and getting ready, we have to leave by six" my mom tells me while dropping a duffel bag in the open doorway.

"Yeah yeah I'm up."

I sigh and walk over to my closet. I glance at the bag, remembering packing it with Riley last night. Well technically it was really Riley packing since I was laying on her bed scrolling though tumblr while she freaked out about packing.

"Maya! Now please!" I hear her call from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yell back and search for an outfit. She's gotten used to how distracted I get in the mornings well enough to remind me twice.

I brush through the blonde mess that is my hair, brush my teeth, and grab my bags. Racing downstairs into the kitchen and almost running into Shawn I take a bite of a bagel from a plate on the counter.

"Sorry for almost spilling your coffee! I'll see you Friday" I shout over my shoulder before running outside and closing the door behind me.

"You owe me a bagel when you get back!" I hear him yell back faintly.

I slide into the passenger seat of my mom's car and put on my headphones, cranking up the volume. I'm now considerably more awake and wondering why I'm actually excited about a school field trip. I rest my head against the window and settle on watching cars pass by on the New York streets until we arrive.

"Alright Maya we're here" my mom says quite loudly knowing she wouldn't be heard over my music otherwise.

"Thanks mom, remember to pick me up at five on Friday" I say flashing her a quick smile and stepping out of the car.

I busy myself with shoving my headphones in my drawstring and phone in the pocket of my sweatshirt.

"Maya, over here."

I instantly recognize Farkle's voice and I turn to see him waving me in his direction. I wave back and walk over to where he had just gotten out of his dad's car.

"Hey Farkle, nice bedhead" I point out with a small smirk.

He readjusts his backpack strap and rolls his eyes playfully.

"I had to rush out of the house in order to get here on time. I figured I could just cover it with a beanie but I couldn't find the one I was looking for."

"I get it. I was running a bit behind schedule too. It's too early for this." I reply as we start to walk up the front steps of the school.

We spot Zay and Lucas walking ahead of us in the hallway and quiet down. I put a finger to my lips and he nods back. This mischievous side of Farkle is one I like to see. I creep my way closer to them as quietly as possible and turn to see Farkle doing the same.

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