coffeeshops and pride flags

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Maya's POV

"Maya where's my concealer?"

"I don't know ask Auggie" I say, glancing up from my book to see her rummaging around in her makeup bag.

She stops suddenly, confused.

"Why would he have it?" she asks.

"He told me something about Ava wanting makeup for her birthday present" I reply, remembering how he was rambling about it the other day.

"Oh god. Auggie can you come here please" she yells into the hallway.

"Why do you need it, you barely use it anyway" I say.

"I wouldn't have to use it if someone had been more careful" she says pulling the collar of her shirt down to reveal the fading hickey on the side of her neck.

I lift the book up to cover my smirk as I hear footsteps approaching.

"Yeah?" Auggie says as he runs into the room, curls bouncing wildly until he stops short due to Riley's unlucky timing.

She quickly covers it again with her hair but it's too late to avoid him seeing it.

"Woah what happened to you?" he says as his eyes widen.

"I'm fine Auggie it's just a mosquito bite, did you take my concealer?" she asks him calmly.

"Oh that makeup thing? I did but Ava didn't want it so I left it in the bathroom cabinet" he shrugs.

"Thank you but next time if Ava wants any makeup have that discussion with mom instead of taking mine alright"

"Okay" he says as she ruffles his hair gently before he races away to the living room.

She sighs in relief as she heads to the bathroom to retrieve it.

I put the book down and lean in the doorway to her room as she returns.


"A mosquito bite?" I ask, smirking.

"He's only eight, I can't just tell him" she says, her cheeks flushing a shade of light pink.

"Fair point but no one except him would buy that excuse" I tell her.

"Exactly, and that's why you can't do something that risky. So that means my parents can't see it because you know how bad I am at lying. But..." she trails off.

"But what?" I ask.

"But it is kinda hot" she whispers shyly.

"That's a little gay" I reply teasingly.

"Maya we're dating!"

"Oh trust me I know " I smile brightly and kiss her hand softly.

"Man you two make every rom-com ever look like pure garbage"

I turn to see Zay rolling his eyes, nearly giving Riley a heart attack at his sudden appearance.

"How did you get in? And stop eating my snacks!" she groans before snatching away the bag of pretzels in his hand.

"Auggie let me in and you should find a better hiding place for your food. Besides, I think the more important question is when did you get that" he says, gesturing towards her neck as she goes to return the pretzels to the kitchen.

She sighs and fixes her hair again as she puts the bag away in one of the cabinets.

"A mosquito bit her" Auggie says, happy to know the answer before Zay despite its inaccuracy.

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