it's always been you

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Maya's POV

"Hey Farkle" I mumble when a visibly sleep deprived Farkle answers his front door.

"Hey, come on in" he says tiredly.

"Were you seriously asleep" I ask, noticing the disheveled state his hair is in.

"Well until you texted yeah I was" he replies with a yawn, as we navigate through the maze of hallways to get to his bedroom.

I stop to look at him with a look questioning why he slept in so late.

"I was texting Smackle until one and then couldn't sleep until four" he shrugs.

I follow him into his room and sit down in a chair near the windows.

"What reason do you have for waking up at noon?" he asks as he grabs two sprites from a mini fridge, a new addition to his room.

"How do you know I didn't wake up earlier" I say as he tosses a can to me and sits down in the chair beside me.

"Because I know you" he says confidently.

"Yeah whatever"

"So what is your excuse for staying up late enough to wake up mid-afternoon?" he continues.

"It's uh actually the reason I asked to talk with you" I rub the back of my neck nervously.

"I'm listening, you can tell me anything" he says quietly.

"I kinda sorta maybe kissed Riley last night and I don't know how to ever face her again" I reply quickly.

"Oh thank god it's about time" he says casually as his face breaks into a grin.

"Wait you're not at all shocked? You expected this?" I say, genuinely confused.

"Yeah Maya you two are the worst at being secretive. Lucas, Zay, even Smackle we've been waiting for this ship to sail forever."

"But Lucas dated Riley, he's still into her" I point out.

"Doesn't mean he's blind to what's happening right in front of him"

"How can you possibly be convinced that there's something real between us, I'm just hopelessly into her. End of story" I tell him.

Riley doesn't feel the same way she's just overly friendly, we're close friends there's no feelings on her side of this there can't be.

"Best friends don't just look at each other the way you two do."

"Oh I see what the problem is here, you're delusional" I roll my eyes and look up at the space decals on his ceiling.

"Here let me elaborate. You know that vine 'two bros chillin in a hot tub five feet apart cuz they're not gay'?"

"Yeah?" I raise my eyebrow and look back at him wondering how that could possibly be relevant.

"You two are the polar opposite of that vine and I wouldn't be surprised if the whole grade could see the tension there" he says.

"Are you really using a vine to explain this to me Minkus?"

"Well how else are you going to realize how terrible you are at the concept of subtlety?" he says.

"I'm not that obvious about it" I reply, halfheartedly trying to be defensive.

"Congratulations Maya you take the grand prize for the least believable lie I've heard all year" he slow claps.

"C'mon this is serious Farkle, just tell me how you already pieced everything together that day of the field trip" I reply pleadingly.

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