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Maya's POV

My eyes flutter open tiredly. I come to my senses with an initial feeling of total confusion. Once it wears off and yesterday comes flooding back I notice her arms around my waist. Riley's body is pressed against mine, arms around me and head next to my own. I can feel her light breaths on the back of my neck which sends shivers down my spine. I shift slowly, not wanting her to pull her arms away. I'm met with a peacefully sleeping Riley who's hair still manages to look perfect. She lets out a tiny yawn and tightens her grip on me.

I should be freaking out but instead I'm just smiling like an idiot at how beautiful she looks. Last night wasn't only a dream. That was real.

I'm giving up trying to deny that I like her because I'm just flat out lying to myself now. I'm good at adjusting and I accept things fast but I expected this to be different. I figured it would take me longer to wrap my head around but wow was I wrong.

I know it's probably since I've known her for years. We been inseparable for a long time, she's been with me through good times and bad. She's the only one who's seen me at my worst, the only one who can calm me down just by being there. Who do I go to when it feels like everything is falling apart? Riley. Who still drops everything for me even if it's two in the morning? Riley.

If anyone asked me about having a crush on Riley Matthews a few days ago I'd laugh right in their face. Now I don't think I'd even be able to get a word out without making it obvious. I guess I assumed I was straight but the amount of times my heartbeat has sped up because of her in the past twenty-four hours isn't very straight. I mean when she kissed me goodnight on the forehead last night my whole body just went weak. I felt her heartbeat when she snuggled up against me and it definitely didn't help my overall confusion about these feelings. I don't know why it was beating as fast as mine but I'm holding on to some hope that her initiating that whole thing meant something.

"What time is it?" she mumbles sleepily.

She opens her eyes slowly and I see them widen when she looks into mine.

"Oh um I'm sorry I didn't mean to...I just..." she says nervously, pulling her hands away.

"Don't apologize" I tell her, surely a blushing a mess. We look at each other, neither one of us sure what to do. Should I explain myself? Even if I tried to I'd make things worse.

I sit up and run a hand through my hair. I watch her grab her phone off the side table and exclaim "shit we woke up late" with a groan.

"Did I just hear perfect little Riley curse? Hmm I wonder what your father would think if he heard this" I tease as I push the covers off and get out of bed.

"Oh shut up" she says throwing a glance in my direction and sticking out her tongue.

"Rude" I scoff but grin afterwards, glad to avoid acknowledging our sleeping situation.

"We're supposed to be downstairs for breakfast at eight."

"What time is it?" I ask as I brush through my hair.

"7:45" she responds.

"Well we did go to sleep late and neither of us thought to set an alarm" I point out as she puts her phone down and grabs her outfit.

"Yeah you're right" she says.

I watch her standing there out of the corner of my eye. She's holding her clothes but hasn't made a move to go change.

"Are you going to go get dressed or...?"

"Are we both going to ignore last night?" she blurts out.

Longing Hearts [Rilaya]Where stories live. Discover now