confessions and complete fools

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Riley's POV

I wake up to the sound of Maya talking to someone, presumably on the phone.

I sit up and blink the drowsiness away and see her sitting by the edge of the bed on her phone.

"For the last time we'll be at Zay's today you can bombard me with your questions then"

There's a pause before she starts talking again.

"Oh yeah Riley slept over last night"

Another pause.

"No Farkle nothing happened—I don't care if you don't believe me I'm not arguing with you until this afternoon so sadly, you'll have to wait" she says, ending the call and plugging her phone into a charger.

"Farkle already on your case about me?" I ask.

She grins as she notices that I'm awake.

"Apparently he's just dying to know all the details of my love life" she says.

"Are you actually going to go through with telling everyone today? You really don't have to unless you're ready for it peaches I don't want to pressure you"

"No I'm sure I want to. Farkle deserves it for helping me but you'll still have my back right? I can't admit something this big alone"

"Of course, I always will" I say and lean over to kiss her cheek.

A knock on the door startles both of us, Shawn leans in the doorframe an apologetic look on his face after seeing us both flinch.

"Oh hey Riley I didn't realize you stayed over, I was just going to tell Maya that breakfast was ready but you're obviously welcome to join" he says happily.

"Thanks Shawn but I might pass this time around, I've got to get home before my parents become concerned over my sudden disappearance last night"

"Wait they don't know you're here?" Maya interrupts.

"I forgot my phone at home. I never called them to say I was staying over. I wasn't thinking about it in the moment, my thoughts were kinda consumed by something else" I explain.

I see a shy smile flash across Maya's face in my peripheral vision.

"You'd better call them kid, I wouldn't want to incur the wrath of Topanga if I were you" he says.

"Yeah but they at least know I came over here and that I'd be in good care so I think I'll take my chances and just catch a bus before it gets too late and they truly start to worry" I shrug.

"Oh don't worry I'll drive you, I have to go grab something from the store near there anyway" he offers graciously.

"Are you sure?"

He nods and gestures for me to come with him.

I thank him and take the offer because the faster I get home the less time there is for them to call me out on being gone for. I run my hand through my hair a few times to untangle it but I don't really care if Shawn sees me with my hair slightly messy from sleep. It's nothing he hasn't seen before, considering how often he's at my house. I decide to change when I get back to my own home if it's only him who's going to see me on the way there.

"I'll see you this afternoon then I guess" Maya says as I get up.

"See you then" I give her a quick hug before walking out into the hallway.

As I head towards the kitchen where Katy is setting the table I can hear Shawn's conversation with Maya behind me.

"Go get breakfast before it gets cold while I take Riley alright. Wait why do you look all happy you're never this happy in the morning. Did you do something? What happened?" he says.

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