room 218

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Maya's POV

I walk up to Mr. Matthews and glance at the keycard he gives me. Room 218. I walk inside the lobby watching Riley push ahead and speak to Smackle.

Farkle sneaks up behind me and whispers "I see you finally got a room" in my ear.

Damn. That was good. I can't even be mad at him. I turn around and see him with eyebrows raised and a content grin on his face. I look over his shoulder and see Lucas and Zay pushing their way through everyone to reach us.

"Farkle you're so annoying" I say as I punch his shoulder.

"You're just salty because I had a great way of bringing it back"

I open my mouth to come up with some useless comeback but Lucas interrupts.

"So you and Riley are going to be a room of two huh?"

I watch him and Zay catch up to where Farkle and I are walking.

"Yeah I mean we've slept together in her room countless times, tonight won't be much different" I say with a shrug. Who am I kidding this is going to be the definition of different.

I watch Zay cross his arms against his chest and grin at me suggestively. Farkle notices this too and bursts out laughing and Lucas smirks.

I glare at each of them respectively before muttering "oh fuck off all of you."

They give each other high fives and I roll my eyes before walking away.

"Riley! Smackle! Where are you two?"

I yell into the crowd searching for them despite knowing I probably won't get a response. I hurry farther ahead to find where they've wandered off to. I give up after scanning ahead of me for a bit and decide to find the room.

"215...216...217...and 218" I count quietly to myself until I reach the end of the hallway. It's the second to last door on the whole floor. That'll end up being a good thing considering the craziness that is sure to ensue on the side where the boys' rooms meet the girls' ones. I swipe my card and drop my bags in the doorway.

"Hey Maya! Isn't this great?" I hear Riley's excited voice exclaim while she opens the curtains to peek outside.

Well that solves the mystery of the missing Riley.

"Yeah it is. Two beds, a flatscreen tv, and a whole night with my favorite person" I smile at her and she nods happily in agreement.

"Plus we don't have to worry about the sleeping arrangement like everyone else with only two people"

I watch her kick off her shoes and fix her hair in the mirror. I don't know why she checks it so often, she still looks beautiful with it windblown and messy.

"Yeah" I reply nervously worrying about how distracted I keep getting.

I pause for a second contemplating whether or not to say what I'm thinking. I take a deep breath and say "Then again we've slept in the same bed for years so we might not even use the other one."

She turns to me with a shrug and says "that's true I mean we might end up falling asleep watching tv on your bed or something since it's closer that way."

She had already scattered the items from her semi unpacked backpack on the bed closer to the door. I walk over to my bed next to the window and see she was right about the tv. Riley's phone rings and I let her go answer it while I busy myself with organizing my supplies.

"-Yeah sure Lucas we'll come over there give me a minute" I hear Riley say as she ends a call.

"The guys said everyone is visiting each other's rooms since the teachers told us we're allowed until 9:30" she says while laying down on her bed.

I turn on my phone and see it's only 8:15 pm.

"They said their room is 203" she tells me before I get the chance to ask.

"Alright let me shower quickly and I'll walk over with you."

She nods and fifteen minutes later I'm showered and dressed in an oversized band shirt and pajama pants. I hold the door open behind me for Riley as we leave. I notice a bunch of people are also wearing pajamas and knocking on doors throughout the hallway. Riley reaches 203 before me and knocks.

"Hey, so they made it a rule that we have to have the door propped open if you're gonna come in our room"

Lucas stands in the doorway also in pajamas as the door swings inward to reveal their room. I step in the room telling myself to push my hatred for his flirting away and be civil tonight.

"I mean they did put the boys at the other end of the hallway so I can't say I'm surprised" I point out.

They obviously didn't want any of the girls to sneak into the boy rooms since well we're teenagers in high school. You would think who the hell would hook up on a school field trip but I wouldn't put it past some people.

Lucas shoves a duffel bag in the doorway to keep it open as Riley follows behind me.

"And what exactly are you two doing?" she asks as Farkle and Zay stand in the middle of the room in a 'tense' game of Rock Paper Scissors.

"Can't talk. I need to beat Zay in this last round if I want a bed all to myself" Farkle mutters.

I laugh when Zay signs rock and Farkle signs scissors. I watch him sigh in defeat.

"Fine I guess I'm going to sleep in the bed with Lucas" Farkle grumbles. Zay pumps his fist in the air happy to get a bed to himself.

"You guys are such idiots" I hear Riley say from the chair in the corner with a shake of her head.

Farkle texts Smackle to come over and we all hang around talking about random things and just enjoying each other's company. Zay brags about how he managed to smuggle 3 bags of candy in with his clothes. Which results in all of us consuming way too much sugar. Riley and I decide to leave a little while later just to visit our girl classmates' rooms.

You can tell that people are excited for the coming night and tomorrow. We find Darby and Sarah in their room playing music and hang out with them. That is, until it hits 9:30 when the teachers start telling everyone to go back to our rooms. I leave for my own room since Riley had disappeared a while ago.

They tell us the basic advice of be quiet for the night or you'll still get detention and I ignore it. I sneak away unnoticed and go downstairs to the lobby. I buy a soda from the vending machine I spotted earlier before racing back upstairs. The shower is running as I walk in.

I sit cross legged on my bed drinking the soda while scrolling through my phone until I hear the water stop. I continue checking other notifications until I see movement in my peripheral vision.

"Hey can you toss me my shirt from my bed?" I hear Riley mumble quietly.

I look over to see her right outside the bathroom door. Oh shit. My eyes widen slightly and my breath hitches in my throat. I swallow hard and bite my lip out of habit, trying to stay emotionless. She's dressed only in shorts and a bra. She keeps fiddling with her fingers anxiously. Her damp hair cascades down her bare shoulders and I see a slight blush coloring her cheeks when I find the strength to meet her eyes.

"Y-Yeah here" I choke out as I reach over and toss the shirt across the room to her.

She flashes me a nervous smile before darting back into the bathroom. I already know I was staring too long. Despite being friends for as long as I can remember we've never really seen each other shirtless. It just doesn't happen. The beach being the only exception. The fact that I'm actually really attracted to her makes it have ten times more of an impact than it would before.

"Great. Just great. This is going to be harder than I thought" I whisper as I throw myself back onto the bed and stare mindlessly at the ceiling.

I listen to the bathroom door open and mentally prepare myself for the situation that I'll have to face when she walks in again.


a/n: I'm quite happy with how this chapter turned out. It's pretty chill, well until the end. And remember this is only the first part of their night

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