stolen kisses

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Maya's POV

None of us have talked since the party, nobody wanting to send the first text. I assume someone told Smackle about what we all got ourselves into. That means everyone has to acknowledge Lucas and what went down Friday night.

As 10 a.m. hits the next morning my phone chimes with a text from Zay in the group chat.

Isaiah The Idiotic: guys I'm not starting off summer vacation with this, all of us meet at Topanga's at 3 we're talking whether it's awkward or not

Well someone said it.

I take a deep breath before opening the door to Topangas. Smackle is ordering at the counter and I spot Zay and Riley talking at a table in the corner. She's tapping her fingers anxiously as I reach the two of them.

"What am I gonna say to him. He's going to be apologizing and I still don't know what to respond with" she turns to me, nervously rambling.

"Breathe Riles you're going to be alright, you can both find a way to handle it maturely okay" I try to reassure her.

Riley turns her head to the left and catches sight of Lucas and Farkle walking in. Lucas shoves his hands in his pockets and goes to stand next to us ducking his head slightly.

"I already talked everything over with Zay. I know I owe you both an explanation, especially you Riley" he says and lifts his head.

Now I'm able to see that he has a slight black eye forming. No wonder he's trying to hide from people. I should feel worse but it's not as awful as it could be. He meets my eyes first.

"Listen Maya I was way out of line. You were just trying to protect your best friend, I'm truly sorry for fighting back. Getting too drunk was my own reckless mistake that I have to take responsibility for and I'm sorry" he says and scratches the back of his head.

I nod, a tiny bit of the anger I have towards him subsiding since he really did drink too much and that's why he fucked up. It must be a wreck to be on his side of things.

"I'm sorry too, I let my anger get the best of me" I tell him.

I start to get sick of the absence of conversation with only Riley and Lucas staring at one another.

"We'll um let you two talk" I say and give Riley as reassuring of a smile as I can.

"This is between them she'll be okay" I tell to myself as I grab Zay's arm and go to sit elsewhere with Farkle and Smackle not far behind.

The four of us just make small talk about the summer ahead while Riley and Lucas have their talk and after what feels like hours Riley comes over to us.

"So what did he say?" I ask preparing myself for all the various outcomes.

"He said he regrets it more than he's ever regretted anything. He feels really bad that he let himself drink so much. He apologized more times than I could count. I'm sure we're going to be alright" she responds shakily and sits down next to us.

"Well um that's good, I'm glad he was responsible about this" I say as the boy in question joins the group.

I think she's going to be okay, at least he owned up to it. I, for one, can't completely forgive him though. I've heard the saying that drunk actions are sober thoughts and regardless of how much I actually buy into that, he doesn't hide his feelings for Riley. He's not the one who has to and it's driving me insane.

"This is awkward, I'm getting a donut" Zay says and stands up.

"Hey can you buy me a coffee?" Farkle asks, trying to clear the air.

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