More Sickfic Prompts

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All of the prompts that I have already written are italicized, along with the chapter title in parenthesis so you can find it and read it.:)

Jason is giving his first big speech to the senate as praetor. Too bad he wakes up that morning with a sore throat... and can't talk above a whisper.

Leo doesn't know how to ask for help when he's sick. His friends subtly help out; Piper leaves a pack of tissues in his workspace, Hazel breaks out her home remedies, Jason tries to distract him from his symptoms.

Percy is throwing up in the middle of the night. Sally comforts him. There's nothing like having your mom take care of you when you're sick. Or instead of Sally, Paul is the one to take care of him if you wanna switch it up. (Fluffy Blue Blanket)

Annabeth refuses to believe she could be coming down with something when Percy points out her excessive sniffling/coughing/flushed complexion. A few days later, she's sprawled out on the couch and Percy's like, "are you ready to admit you're sick?"

Will comes down with strep throat and proves that doctors truly are the worst patients. I.e. super annoying, won't accept anyone's help but too weak to do anything on his own, complaining about everything. (Doctors are the Worst Patients)

Nico's nightmares are much, much worse when he has a fever, and Will is comforting him and monitoring his vital signs throughout the night.

The heat goes out in the cabin, right as (any character) is down with a killer head cold.

Piper keeps an eye on Jason after a particularly nasty concussion. (Symptoms of concussions include: headache, dizziness, confusion, vomiting, sensitivity to light, blacking out, etc.)

Again, feel free to use any of these, just tag me so I can read it! Also if you want me to write any of these, I'd be happy to do so!

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