my dear friend

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I see so much in you

and I don't know why.

So much more than I see in any other person

And so much more

Than I see in myself

But you help me see things in myself

and others.

You help me recognize value of each person's life,

and importance of each person

And to see the motivation

and purpose

for every action

The ability to love

not just those who love me

but those who don't also

You helped me learn patience

as I wait for you

And how to really wait for God.

You showed me God,

his character

and his love.

You've helped me through so much trial and heartache - even when you were the cause of it.

You make me smile - a real smile,

when no one else can.

Thank you

For the love,


and character you share with me, my dear friend.

Thank you.

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