colored memories

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I'm not sure how I got here,

Not really

In just a year, so much can change;

New joys, new loves, new experiences

But I also realize,

despite the change,

So much can stay the same;

Same sky, same pain, same bridge

Could this really be the same gorgeous sky I stood beneath just a year ago?

So vibrant?

So colorful?


I had approached the bridge, this bridge, a year ago

A girl was standing near the center

Golden brown hair,

Yellow, floral dress,

Hands gripping the railing for dear life

Thinking she's alone,

she tosses her legs over.


I can see it in her,

I can see her still terrified of her choice but willing to push through it.

As I break into a sprint,

I reach her just in time to catch her by the arm and pull her back to safety,

to the sanctuary that is my embrace.

Tears rain from both of our eyes,

This is your chance, your second chance

Words meant for us both.

A new beginning

A new life

A new friend

We knew not what was to come for us,

But we did know we had each other for whatever came next.


The door slowly opens and it's her.

Between those two sparkling eyes is the smile I pray to see every day for the rest of my life.

In one hand I hold hers

Small, soft, almost fragile

In the other,


Pink Roses.

A bouquet that wished to be as beautiful as the girl in front of me.

Its been nearly a year when I look into her eyes and finally tell her.

I tell her that I love her smile,

her laugh,

the way her voice changes pitch when she's excited.

Tell her that I love her humor,

Her peace of mind,

The way she acts annoyed by the little things but doesn't let the bigger things get to her.

I tell her that I love her.


Is how I feel,

Truly understated,

I feel pain, close to breaking.

The stress of everything around me,

Everyone around me,

I just wish I could breathe,

Take a moment to breathe.

Work is the constant backache,

Debt is an overwhelming weight upon my shoulders

And all I want,

all I wish is that I could provide and make her happy,

That I could keep her happy.

But shes drifting.

We are fading,

I am not what gives her joy any longer and I don't know why.

What could I do to fix it, fix us?

What do I do to get her back?


Just as I think there is a chance for hope to return

Just as I think there was a chance for all this pain to leave and to finally be happy again

To finally find peace,

The little light I had left is stripped away

Any belief for a better tomorrow is destroyed

As I awake and rise from my tear-stained pillow I can hear the front door open and silent laughter

I don't expect her to return so early but I rise to greet her,

I can feel the blood rushing through my spine as I connect eyes,

Our eyes immediately met,

His piercing blue eyes stare back into mine and the smile fades from his face,

It was him, an old friend

Best friend is a childish term almost but that's what he is,


I look back at her and I feel the anguish that she sees on my face

I look at her and all I see is red,


Her scarlet letter


In just a year so much can change

But so much can stay the same,

Here I am, a year later,

Different man,

Same sky,

Different feelings,

Same bridge.

The sunset has set and I don't wish to see it rise again,

The sky's dark,


The difference between myself and the sky,

The sky has stars,

The sky has its light.

Without hesitation,

I take my last trip,

A one-way trip.

And just as the day has reached its end,

So have I.

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