Chapter 4

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   I groaned as I slammed my pillow against my face trying to ignore my alarm clock, but that thing was just too loud. Stupid alarm clock that Ana gave me for Christmas! I groaned as i sat up and hit the snooze button. I got up and went into the shower. As i stripped naked, I started to remember what happened last night. Like the brass getting the big band room, the incident at hearts, the rapist now living right infront of me. Oh gosh, yesterday was just not my day. I got in the shower and thought about how im gonna get out of my apartment without running into that big guy. I got out of the shower and dressed into black ripped jeans, black T-shirt, brown leather jacket, brown leather boots and a black scarf and let my hair down to show off my blackish-brown curls like i always do. I walked to my door and peeked threw the peeking hole. As soon as i saw that the cost was clear, i grabbed my phone and wallet and opened the door. I walked softly threw the hallway with no sighn of big guy. Suddenly i heard a door open. I froze, then i heard a chuckle. Crap, i think thats him. I kept walking but a little faster now. Finaly i reached the front doors and practically ran out. I let out a sigh of relief.

    I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and took it out. I saw that it was a text from Nick.

Nick: hey

Me: Whats up

Nick: Practice is cancelled today. Me, Em, Nicky and everyone else are at destiny's place.

Me: ok ill be there in 10.

I put my phone away and got in my car, but before i could close the door, I felt something block it. I turned to see what and saw....the big guy. Oh cruds! He wore nothing but boxers. Who the heck goes outside with just boxers. Well, he does have a nice body, and those abs and that V line, and-Ewww! Kitty! Snap out of it!

    He smirked at my surprised face. "Hey there pretty princess. Where are you going?" He said with the smirk still there.

"None of your business!" I answered. He just chuckled. "Can I please go now!?"

"No, not yet. I want something first."

"And what might that be?" I asked a little scared but didnt let it show.

"You." He answered. I gasped softly.

Why the heck would this guy want me? I looked away from his dark brown eyes. "Can i go now!" It was more of an order than a question.

"No!" He almost yelled this time. I knew he wasnt going to budge so I did the best thing i could think of. I turned my body, shot out my leg and kicked him in the most delicate place every man has. He screamed in pain and fell on the ground. I shut the door and drove off.

           ~10 min drive later~

     I finally arrived at Destiny's rent house and parked in the driveway. When I walked in, I saw Em reading on the couch, Ana playing Legand of Zelda on the TV, Nicky on the other TV with remote guns shooting at digital deer, Des was practiceing her sax, and Nick was in the kitchen. "Wow! This sure is fun....not!" I said. They all looked up at me and cheered.

"Yay! Kitty's here!" They all yelled and ran up to me for a hug. I laughed. "Gee, I didnt know I was that important to you guys."

"We need you to make us food-"

"Make my bed-"

"Clean the dishes-"

"And do the laundry!" They all said at the same time.

"Ahh, there's the reason you guys are happy to see me." I laughed. As I They all went back to doing what they were doing and I went to the kitchen with Nick. He sat at the coffee table watching me cook. He just couldnt take his eyes off of the chicken soup i was makeing. I giggled as I saw a little druel escape from his mouth. I finished the soup and layed it out on the dinner table for everyone to get.

     We all sat down at the table and talked.

"Guess what day it is!?" Nicky practically yelled out. Everyone just stared at her. "Its the second day of the month! And you know what that means!"

"Oh yea! We all get our paychecks today." Ana said.

      Every month on the second saterday, we all get our paychecks on the same day. We all take turns shopping at our "Toys R Us" and we all have to pitch in to buy what that person wants.

"So whos turn is it?" Des asked. Nicky's smile went from ear to ear. We all groaned. "Yup! Its MY turn!" She yelled.


   Sorry I had to cut it short. I hate hw but it has to be done. Anyway, vote, comment, chat please. ba bye!!

P.S. unedited chapter

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