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"The sun is scorching hot right now" I said as I keep on looking for a place to go to escape this hotness in my own country.

I stopped searching after some minutes and decided to go to the kitchen to drink a glass of cold water.

I can feel my sweat dripping on my back and on my face until my phone rang.

Me: "Hello?"

"Kaei! Hello, its me Euniah!" The other line said

Me: "Oh! It's you. How's it going in Seoul?"

Euniah: "A bit cold. I heard that its so hot there in the Philippines, do you wanna come here to visit me? Like a little vacay for you."

What my friend said brighten up my mood so I excitedly answered her a 'yes' and ended the call.

*Couple of days later*

I am now here at the NAIA Airport waiting for my plane to be called and after a few minutes I am now in the plane and settled on my designated seat.

I did enjoy the travelling hours which I always feel all the time and arrived at Incheon Airport safe and sound.

"Where is Euniah?" I said for about the 5th time, still waiting for her.

I already texted her but she's not yet here to pick me up.

After some time, I can hear people screaming and cameras flashing sounds behind me.

I did ignore it because I don't even care who those celebrities are.

More people, which are obviously 'fans' came in screaming and all hyped up, brushed past me that made me stumble and fall.

Groan was the only sound that escaped my mouth. I did try to stand up even if my body hurts. Like really hurts, especially my butt.

But trying to stand only make it worse. And yes, my arms and feet also have some bruises.

"I can do it!" I said motivating myself.

I tried to stand once again and I did it, but not too long.

I can no longer balance myself and ended up falling on the floor, again.

(What an embarrassment) I said while mentally slapping myself and I did not try to stand again.

Not being aware, I can feel my cheeks getting wet probably because I started to sob.

I am still on the floor looking like a total mess with a lot of bruises but luckily no one is paying attention to me.

Not too long, a manlike hand was offered to me. I did take it and it helped me sit up to a near bench.

He raised my face for me to be able face him then he offered me a handkerchief.

I try my best to talk and say thank you with a weak voice and I did it, he gave me a smile in return. (The sweetest and warmest smile that I've ever seen)

I was about to ask his name but he said that he have to go so we bid our farewell to each other and I did thank him for the last time.

Finally, Euniah came to pick me.

She looked so shocked seeing me like this so we went to a hospital.

After I get treated, I feel a lot better and Euniah drop me at the hotel where I'm going to stay because the sun is going to set soon.

Me: "Thank you Euniah, see you tomorrow!"

Euniah: "Are you sure you're okay here? You know you can stay at my place right? How about your body? Does it still hurt?"

Me: "I'm definitely fine Euniah. No need to worry and I did feel a lot better after getting treated."

We said our 'goodbyes' and 'goodnights' before parting.

Here's the 1st chapter of my 1st fanfic :) Hope you enjoy it!

PS - this '()' sign shows what I'm saying in my mind

안영 여러분 ~

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