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I'm really excited tonight because I'm gonna meet Joshua, my new found friend slash crush *squeals*

Yes, he's my crush now :)

I am now eating my lunch here at a restaurant alone. Yep, alone because Euniah seems to have a lot of things going on that's why she doesn't have time for me.

But, that's fine cause I'm used to being alone and I'm not a child anymore.

After eating, I went to different places to cheer myself up and to explore this country more.

I did enjoy those times even if I am alone and its already 5:30 pm, so I decided to go home and to have a quick shower before meeting Joshua.

I am now all set up and decided to go to the park.

*6:40 pm at the park*
I am swinging myself in the swing waiting for him.

"Aish, why am I always early everytime we are going to meet?" I said feeling colder and colder as the time goes by.

Suddenly, I felt arms from behind as if its backhugging me. I froze at that skinship.

"I'm glad you're here Kaei." He said as I can feel his hot breath touching my neck that sends shivers down my spine.

My cheeks starts to burn, the butterflies in my stomach starts to get wild, and my mind went from blank thinking into a thinking machine about a lot of sweet conclusions.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I now look like a child waiting to be fed by her parents because of my mouth wide open.

(I think he's too fast, isn't he? Or is it just a friendly backhug?)

Our position stayed like that for a while until he let go and sat to a swing beside me.

"So, how long have you been waiting?" He asked me
"Not that long." I answered.

(You did great self) while mentally patting my shoulder.

I let out a heavy sigh of relief and to release some of my nervousness.

It did help me a lot because I'm able to communicate with him without stuttering.

"Are you okay Kaei?" He asked me
"Yep. Of course I am" I answered giving him a smile.

"Umm.. Joshua, about the call, why did you want to meet me? Is there something you want to tell?"
"Ahh.. I-I wanted to tell you something actually."

"Really?? What is it?"
"Actually, I-I have a crush o-on y-y..." He said stuttering while looking at me.

"On who?" I asked while smiling so wide (Is it on me?? OMG! Is he going to confess?)
"On y-you....r b-bestfriend." He answered smiling so wide.

I literally froze because of those words that he had said to me.

"Kaei! Kaei!" Joshua said shaking me "I said, I like your bestfriend." He said repeating it and smiling like crazy.

"Ahh r-really??" I said with a crack on my voice, forcing a smile. I decided to say goodbye before I get too emotional.

"Uhmm... Joshua, I-I think I needed to go h-home. I'm not f-feeling well." I said hoping that he'll believe my excuse to let me go home.

"Oh, is that so? You have to rest, I'll drive you home." He said
"No, no, don't. I'll be fine, I have my car with me. Bye!" I said walking away, not waiting for his reply.

I went to the parking lot and get inside my car.

(Why?) That was the only question in my mind.

Why her? Why not me? Why do I feel like crying, he's just a crush. Why do my heart hurts like this, I just like him, not love him. And lastly, why am I always falling so fast at people. So fast that I'm always hurting myself.

Just why?

I've decided to just let all the emotions that I'm feeling, out inside me.

I feel so good after doing it and I did cry myself to sleep.

Chapter 4 is here guys!!! :)

Is it too sad? Can you feel what Kaei is feeling? Comment what you feel guys :)

PS: The pic is the outfit of Joshua at their meet up :)

안영 여러분~

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