Over Taken by Your Love

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Authors Note: This is my first fan fiction and I know it's a little boring but I promise it will get better.....just be patient.

Chapter One: [ Jadah's POV ]
"BASELINE" my basketball coach yelled. My names Jadah and I'm a junior at UCLA. I'm 23 years old and basketball is my life. I got accepted to UCLA because I was offered a scholarship at the end of high school because of my basketball skills.

"Alright ladies give me 5 full court suicides and then layup lines" my coach said. My coach was always pushing us to do better because he loved to win.

After basketball practice I got dressed, got in my car and drove home exhausted. When I finally got home I dropped my things, headed to the shower and took a long nap.

I woke up checked the time and it was 7:40 pm. I ran downstairs turn the tv on and started watching my favorite team ever! LA Clippers is my team and they always motivate me to do better and better each game. I live in a 2 story apartment right in front of the Staple Center. So when I look out my balcony I get a perfect view of the Staple Center and the lights that go off when there's an event. Yea the traffic sucks but it's worth it.

"WOAH YES!!!" I screamed as Blake made the winning shot. Blake was my favorite and I've always wanted to go to a Clipper games but I never have time with basketball practice and school. I clicked the tv off went upstairs and went to sleep.

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