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-Few Months Later-

It's been a couple months since the last doctors appointment. Doctor Johnson said that everything was looking good and everything was starting to develop. She told us the next time we come back, we can find out the gender of the baby, which only excited both Riley and I.

Today was that day.

"Good morning." Doctor Johnson, as she walked into the room. "How are you feeling, Riley?"

"I'm feeling alright. A bit tired, but that's about it." Riley replied, as I helped her get into the table. Doctor Johnson told her that it was normal to become tired and that it would increase over time.

"Have your cravings increased?"

"Quite a bit, actually." Riley said, before looking at me, an ashamed look spreading throughout her face. I rubbed her back, trying to comfort her.

"That's normal, too. No need to be ashamed." Doctor Johnson assured her, causing Riley to shake her head in understanding. The doctor then told her to lay on her back and lift her shirt so she could take the sonogram.

After the doctor got everything set up, she looked at us and nodded. "Ready to see your baby for the first time?" She asked us, as we nodded our heads, and I entwined my fingers with Riley's. The doctor squeezed some blue gel on Riley's stomach, causing her to giggle.

"It's cold." Riley laughed, as I chuckled and lifted her hand up and kissed it. Doctor Johnson then placed the grey wand on Riley's small bump and glided it against her stomach.

"If you listen carefully, you'll hear a heart-" Doctor Johnson began, before looking back at the screen and moving the wand up a bit.

"What's wrong, Doctor?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. She looked at Riley and I, before smiling wide.

"There's two heart beats." She said, causing Riley and I to look at each other. "Your having twins." She added, as she pointed at the screen, where I saw not one, but two small baby heads.

"Wow." Riley said, as she looked at me and smiled. "Look Li, one of them as little ears like mine!" She said, causing me to chuckle at her excitement. I stood up from my seat and kissed her forehead.

"Are we able to find out their genders?" I asked, as I looked at the screen happily. The doctor nodded, before looking at the babies carefully.

"Your having a little boy," She said, pointing at the baby with little cat ears. "And a little girl." She added, causing another tear to stream down my face. "Do you want a picture of the sonogram?" She asked.

"Yes. We'd love one." Riley said, as she wiped away the tear that was rolling down my cheek. The doctor wiped the gel off Riley's stomach, before leaving to go get our picture. "You okay, Li?"

"I'm just really happy, baby." I replied, as I kissed her cheek, resting my forehead against hers. She giggled, before I pecked her lips, and smiled at her widely.

The doctor returned a few minutes later with the picture. Once we scheduled another appointment, we went home, I being the happiest man ever.



"Niall, stop!" I yelled, as Niall proceeded to tickle my sides. He shook his head, his contagious laughter colliding with mine. I tried to grab his hands to push him off, but failed miserably.

"Nope. Not gonna happen, babe." He said, before continuing to tickle me. A few minutes went by and he stopped tickling me, before losing his balance and falling onto the floor with a thud. I looked onto the floor, only to lose my balance and fall on top of him.

"Are you okay?" I asked in between laughs. He nodded his head, a wide smile in his face, before he kissed my nose and grabbed my hands, holding them firmly in his. He then lifted my left hand up to his gaze and played with the ring, running his thumb over the diamond.

"What do you think about July?" He asked, as he entwined his fingers with mine. I shrugged, before taking my free hand and poking his cheek. "We have to start planning these things, El."

"I know. I told you I was looking at dresses and venues-"

"But none of that stuff matters if there isn't a date set." He interrupted, as I got off of him and started to walk away. "We've hardly talked about a wedding since we got engaged, El."

"Cause this is practically the first time in months that we actually got to spend a full day together." I argued, crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry that we practically work on different schedules."

"I'm not saying it's your fault, Niall. I never pointed it directly at you." I said, as I head towards the bedroom.

"Then why haven't we talked about the wedding? Your a girl; you should love planning and talking about this."

"I don't know, Niall."

"It's like you don't want to get married!" He yelled, causing me to stop in my tracks. I turned around and faced him, only to see him have a straight face.


"You heard me; it's like you don't even want to marry me anymore. Like you don't love me anymore." He said. I just stood there, hurt flooding throughout my being. I felt like I got stabbed repeatedly in the heart. I looked at Niall and nodded, before pushing past him and slipping my jacket on. "Eleanor, I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"Just drop it." I said, before slipping on my shoes, grabbing my keys, and walking out to my car, nothing but hurt spreading throughout me. I didn't know where I was going, but all I knew was that I need time to cool off and think.


-Logan, xx

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