It's ok

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Dear warrior,
Don't view yourself as weak if you are struggling with depression, anxiety and/or suicidal thoughts.
Because you are not weak... you are dealing with something many people don't have to deal with. Something that's not easy to deal with.

If you have depression or any other mental illness don't be afraid to say "I have a mental illness" it shouldn't be anything to be ashamed of...
one of the reasons for your state could be that there is a chemical imbalance that is going on in your brain so you're not crazy! Once again you are dealing with something real even if others don't see it.
So If you are trying to overcome your illness just know that it's a process. It can be cured but not in one second. It's a hard and long process but you will be ok. Try holding on for a few seconds, minutes, hours and so on. As much as you can. Focus on your present. Take things a bit at a time. Every day that passes by is a victory for you, ok? each second that passes is a step forward♡ you are getting better♡
And if you fail and fall again don't give up and don't think you are worthless or dumb because you're not . Just trying to do something is more than enough. Just holding on is enough. So don't beat yourself up. You have made it this far. You are still here. You are strong and you will succeed. Maybe you won't be perfectly good but you will be okey.

❤If you know someone with a mental illness don't tell them to get over it If you think  they are overreacting because for them it's hard...
Instead be there for them if you want and can be.
I cannot stress how important it is to have someone there for you. Someone that listens and doesn't judge. So even if they don't want to tell you what's wrong just being there...ur presence helps so much! It let's them know that they are not alone!
No one should ever have to go through anything by themselves...

They already have to experience their illness alone...
So if you can please be there for them and try to understand and love them. It will mean a lot to them because they need you. They need someone they can trust. Someone they can vent out their emotions on without feeling like they are annoying or a burden.

So hold their hand...hug a shoulder to cry on...just be there...
Because for  some people just waking up and being alive is an every day struggle but you can make it bearable. 

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