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Ellie and Brooke are in my music class.  At the end of class, 5 minutes left, Mr. Sala lets us talk.  Ellie and Brooke immediately and Brooke starts squealing.  I roll my eyes, because I already know its about boys. 

"Omgosh OmGOSH OMGOSH!  I got paired with the greek god named Hayden." She squeals, earning glances from other kids.  When I look at her confused she added "The new one, not the chimpanzee faced one."  We have  this guy named Hayden Renal who is like so weird.  He is literally a 5 year old trapped in a 15 year old body.  Seriously.  It's crazy.  Just one conversation with him and I'll have a headache because he shouts everything.  

I nod and look at Ellie.  "Noah." Is all she states.  

Before they can ask me who my partner is, the bell rings and its time.  I dread what is going to happen to me with Diego behind the school.   I ditch my friends in the hallway and head to the back door.  I find Diego and his goons waiting by the door.  When I get close to them his goons grab my arms and drag me to the area no one goes unless they are getting beaten, or they are beating someone.  Unfortunately, as usual I am the one getting beaten.  This isn't the first time this has happened, but something tells me  this will be the worst time that I've had  to endure.  The smell of cigarette smoke floats in the air.  It's fresh too.  I wonder if anyone is out here.  That might be good for me. 

The goons drag me around to the back and when we arrive at the destination his 2 goons, Dax and Ian grip my arms tighter and hoist me up, so my stomach is fully accessable.  This position makes it easy for Diego to have his fun.  He loves to aim at my stomach and ribs.  Diego walks closer, and before I can react he shoves a rag in my mouth, probably to stifle my soon to come screams.  

Once the rag is in my mouth Diego leans towards my ear and whispers "Can't have you screaming for the whole world to hear, now can we?"  I whimper in response.  

He stands up and steps back only to step forward and slap me hard across the face, and then knees me in the groin.  I scream but you can barely hear it because of the rag.  He punches and I slump, but Ian and Dax yank me back up to a standing position.  He throws a punch to my stomach, then my ribs and then kicks me behind my knees so my legs give out.  The goons let go just as I am kicked by Diego so hard that I land on my back.  By this time I'm already bruised and weak.  Diego lets out a satisfied sigh.  I let out a miserable groan, and his goons laugh and kick me in the sides.  Diego gets a sadistic smile and he picks me and starts punching me in the side.  I scream out, but the rag makes it sound like fake one.  He drops me to the ground and I cough up blood.  They laugh.  

I groan and try and move but before I can I am picked up by Diego and slammed against the wall.  All of them come at me hitting kicking until I'm curled up in a ball.  I try and protect my stomach, but they just stomp until I let them in.  I whimper and tears start to roll down my face.  

"Aw, poor baby." Ian cackles.  

"Someone needs a pacifier."  Dax howls with laughter.  

"Aw, someone can't handle her suckish life."  They sneer at the same time.   They look at each and high-five.  I growl.  

"Aw, look at the kitten trying to be a tiger."  Diego sneers and kicks me again.  I cry out, but once again, no one can hear. 

Diego calls to Ian and Dax and they talk out of earshot.  I don't need to hear, because I know what comes next.  When they come back I was right.  Diego lands a blow to my head.  Head shots are next, and I knew it.  He kicks again and I see black spots, but I don't slip into unconscious.  Dax and Ian play soccer, my head being the ball, but at the end of that I'm still fully awake. 

They decide to take a break.  They talk amongst themselves, and they chuckle a lot.  Diego smirks and says something, and they all high five.  Ian and Dax stalk over and grab my arms, then proceed to wrench them behind my back, almost taking them out of the socket. 

The pain is unbearable and I scream.  My scream lasts long enough for the rag to fall out of my mouth.  The scream is ear shattering.  Diego cusses while Dax quickly shoves the rag in my mouth. It's too late.  The damage is done, if someone was outside, then they heard. 

Diego looks at me with rage in his eyes.  "You ruined this! I will break you before someone can save you!"  He all but screams.  At that Diego punches me repeatedly, not caring where the punches land.  With each punch he hits harder.  Black spots start to fill my vision and I have trouble holding up my head.  I almost pass out but I feel ice water being dumped on my head.  I jolt awake and the punches never heed.  I get weaker and weaker.  I close my eyes.  I'm about to black out when I hear two grunts, and then the punches stop.  I hear words I dare not repeat, and hear 3 bodies fall to the ground.  I hear footsteps, and I feel 4 bodies kneel down, each one touching.  I whimper slightly as the rag is pulled out of my mouth.  My head is cradeled in someone's lap and a hand strokes my hair. 

"Shhh, you'll be okay. They won't hurt you.  I promise.  Your safe now, you're safe."  I hear a voice say. 

"Jay, find her phone and call her friends."  I hear someone say softly. 

"Back pocket."  I manage to whimper.  The pain is overcoming, and I feel myself slowly get weaker.  Right before I give in to sleep, I hear, "Ellie?  It's Jaylen.  Meet me behind the school.  It's Carina." 

I slip into black. 

OMGOSH OMGOSH I FINISHED!  Omgosh, I was about to cry writing this. 


~ Audi

~ Audi

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Destroyed By Words - Completed - EditingWhere stories live. Discover now