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"GIVE ME THE NOTE JONAH!"   Jaylen hisses.  Yes, I have the note that Carina's mom wrote, clenched in my fist tightly. 

I shake my head, denying my sister's demand.  She lets out an unlady-like sound and lunges towards the bed, I'm currently on.  She lands as I stand up.  I grab her ear, making her squeal.  I drag her out of my room, then slam the door and lock it. 

"Jonah!"  She whines.  "You can't lock the doors, mom's rule."  She adds onto her whine. 

When I don't reply she yells for my mom.  I slam open the door and yank her into my room. 

"Are you serious?"  I all but growl. 

She doesn't respond, but grabs at the note.  I sigh.  I want her to see the note, cause if not, she'll get mad.  But of course, if she reads the note, she'll rage on me. 

I voice my thoughts and she shakes her head quickly.  "I won't!  I promise!  Jonah, please!"  She pleads.  I sigh giving up.  I reluctantly hand over the note.  She reads it, and her face changes emotions.  Sad, anger, to rage. 

"WHY DID YOU TRIP HER!  YOU IDIOT!   WHY DID YOU DO THAT!  We're trying to help her, not get her in more trouble!" She practically screams.  I wince. 

"I told you, you would rage."  I mumble. 

"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!  TELL ME WHY?" She yells, waving the note crazily in the air, as she spoke. 

"Because Jay, she denied it being a real threat, so if she looked scared, or depending on how the parents reacted, I could tell if the threat was real or not."  I explain, mentally patting myself on the back, as I see realization dawn on her face. 

"Sorry Jone."  She mumbles. 

"Tis fine."  I respond. 

"Now, we'll go by her house everyday, and we'll ask for Carina.  If there is an excuse, we'll know the threat is real."  I state.  She nods, satisfied.  She mumbles a goodnight, and heads to her room. 

I look at the clock, which reads, 11:59, on a school night.  Crap, I have to get to sleep. 

I shower and hop into bed, grabbing my notebook.  It's a journal.  I know, bad boy and a journal.  Shut up already.

Hey, it's me.  Jonah.  Anyways.  I had an eventful first day.  Here's how it went.  I was late to first period on my first day of school.  The teacher and this trio of hot girls were joking with the teacher.  The main one fled outside after one of the things the teacher said.  She came back, and then the rest of the day was boring until music.  The same trio was in my class.  The one who fled, was late, and had to sing, but her voice was one of an angel.  Like seriously.  Then me, my sister, and friends skipped.  We heard voices, then whimpers, and then screams.  We found the source, and some people were beating that same girl up.  Her name is Carina by the way.  Anyways, we helped her, and soon school was out.  Jaylen, the boys, and I, have a suspicion something is up with her home life, so we went to a cafe to talk about it.  Then my parent had a work dinner.  Apparently it was at Carina's house.  She answered the door, and ran.  I followed her after a while.  She was turned, and I saw  a note, so I read it.  It was a threat filled note.  I got her in trouble to see if the threat was real, so now we have to wait.  Until next time.  -Jonah

Time skip, Monday to Friday. 

Carina's POV

It's been four days, and I need food and water.  I don't know if I can stay awake any longer.  I've slipped in and out of conscious so many times today I've lost count.  It's 9:30 pm, and I gladly accept the longing to sleep. 


Jonah's POV

Everyday we've gone and everyday Carina hasn't been home.  I'm starting to get peeved.  Jay and I are right about this being a real threat. 




"Mom, Dad?  Please?  I need food!  Water!  Something!  Please?"  I plead weakly.  I know they are out there.  I hear them chuckling.  

"Look Brat.  I'm done with your complaining.  You'll go to school tomorrow.  You can eat, and drink there.  Call someone to pick you up.  Now shut up!"  My mother hisses. 

Thank You Lord.  Thank You, thank You.

I drag myself to my bag, and grab my phone.  I can't call Ellie, or Brooke, they don't suspect anything.  I scroll and find Jaylen and Jonah's number.  I didn't get it, so how?  What ever.  I click on Jonah Alender.

"What?"  He growls. 

"Sorry!"  I squeak. 

"Carina?! How'd you get my number?"  He asks. 

"I don't know.  I'm sorry."  I reply. 

"No, it's fine.  What's up?  Are you okay?"  He asks. 

"Um, can you pick me up?  Tomorrow?"  I ask, a bit nervous. 

"Yeah!  Of course!  But shouldn't you be at home for a month."  He replies. 

"That's beside the point.  I'm too weak to get myself to school tomorrow, so I need someone  to get me there."  I tell him. 

"Oh, shnit.  The note!  We'll bring food and water.  Don't argue.  I'll be there at 7:10 am.  Goodnight Car."  He tells me. 

"Ok, thanks."  I reply and hang up. 

Jonah's POV

I run over to Jaylen' s room and slam open the door. 

"What the heck?"  She screeches. 

"I just got  a call from Carina.  The threat is real, and we are picking her up tomorrow.  We are bringing food. 

"Seriously!"  She exclaims. 


She jumps up and hugs me. 

"Now go  to sleep, we have to go early tomorrow."  I say, as I go to my room and go to bed. 


I'm doing my third all nighter, so I decided to update.  It's currently 2:21 am. 


~ Audi!!

~ Audi!!

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