Chapter 3

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 You had arrived home and instantly ran upstairs. Knowing your father, he starts dinner parties at 6:00 and it was already 4:00. As usual, he wants you to be prepared early. Tonight, you were informed that at least 10 different people would be coming - some from Japan, some from England, some from America, and some from [Your Country/Random Country]. Luckily, all of them could speak Japanese and you can speak all 3 languages.

The maids had quickly rushed you up the stairs and stripped you from your uniform. They threw you into the tub and began cleaning you. You found it very unfair for the reason that you were not allowed to bathe yourself on special occasions, simply because you have to be 'perfect'.

The maids began discussing to you about the new affiliations that your father had formed and new ones he might have simply from this dinner party. "I heard Mr. [Last Name] is trying to join forces with Yoshio Ootori." One of the maids whispered to the one rubbing [Favorite Scent] shampoo into your hair. The last name suddenly intrigued you - though Kyoya might not even come at all.


The maids had pulled the corset tightly on you, making you clench your teeth and scowl in pain. Just wearing this for your father to impress the others made you want to hurt someone. The maids finally slipped you into a [F/C] dress. ( )

It had already been 5:00. Your make-up has been done with light blush, [Lipstick Color] lipstick, and [F/C] light eye shadow, with a touch of mascara and concealer. Now, you weren't the make-up type so with all this on you want to cry or just want to scratch your face.

The maids had quickly placed a [F/C] rose in your hair that had been done in a bun/braid (depends on length). Two strands the feel behind your ear had been curled and your whole body sparkled like Edward Cullen. As odd as it sounded, you did really sparkle - you can been wearing so much make-up and looked so dazzling it seemed like you glowed.

When you had reached the bottom of the stairs, you saw an old childhood friend of yours standing at the bottom. Though, what made it worse was - he was in fact your fiancée. You never really like him as you liked Tamaki and wished you didn't have to be engaged to him.

"Good evening, Harold..." You said sadly (YES OCs FTW!!!!!!!) you had wished you can choose who YOU wanted to marry and how YOU wanted to live your life. Life is just unfair like that. "My, [Name] you look quite extravagant." He said with a flirtatious and flaunty voice. You snarled at his way of speaking, you knew that all he wanted was your family's money and lust. (We always have to have these perverts in stories now don't we XP) In fact, the only reason Harold is engaged with you is because his family's business is blooming and he comes from a noble family and was in fact the only child. Though, his money is starting to degrade slowly - though most don't notice it. (Stupid -heads >.<)

"Thank you..." You finished off with a hint of aggravation in your voice, though you were a lady and must act like such. Harold had escorted you towards the dinner table and sat down in his respective spot, which to your luck, was on the other side.

You had stared blankly at the name plate next to you with squinted eyes, you couldn't exactly read Japanese quite perfectly yet. Of course, you had just come from France to go and live in Japan - most of the reason being Tamaki wanted you to come. Though, you felt ridiculous for being able to speak it fluently but not being able to read a damn thing! (Which is why all your teacher's have given your papers in French)

Before you knew it, guests had started arriving and families had sat down (most of them being middle-aged men...) You finally glanced up from your lap and had notice Kyoya had came along. (Ooohh big surprise..I'm sorry T^T)

"Ah, Ootori-kun!" You snapped to reality and chuckled a bit. "You can call me Kyoya instead of something so formal and over-bearing." You nodded and relaxed a bit. "So....Kyoya-kun. I thought you wouldn't come..." Kyoya glanced over at you with a glint in his silver eyes.

"I actually wasn't going to come, though my father thought I'd be best." "I see..." You pondered for a few moments then continued with where you left off. "Though, he wanted you to come since-" You gestured over to his family on the opposite side. "We have an equal amount of siblings and more chances of creating an alliance and inheriting money." You stated, tilting your head to the side slightly. "Am I correct?"

Kyoya smirked devilishly and turned back to you with his smirk still being worn. "That's true. Though, I'm not very interested in 'falsely' flirting with you. Honestly, I find you rather intriguing." You grinned back and fiddled with your annoying [F/C] gloves.

"Thank you, Kyoya-kun."


You had noticed your sisters muttering to Kyoya's brothers and glancing over to the two of you every so often. 'Stupid, gossiping, little bi-' "Now everyone!" Your father had beamed out with a false smile on his face. You rolled your [E/C] eyes and completely tuned him out and the other men.

"I'm glad I'll be in alliances with the Ootori family, the Jones family, the Highland family, and the Phantomhive family (Yes! Crossovers!)." That was the last thing you heard before everyone continued chatting and such.

"Hey Kyoya..." You muttered out. He glanced over to you with a glass filled with whatever drink was being served held to his lips. "I know this sounds stupid but...can you teach me how to read and write in Japanese?" You mumbled out.

"Hmm, I'm not too sure about that..." He mused for a moment, teasing you. "Fine, I'll ask Tamaki-" Kyoya sat straight up and adjusted his purple tie. "Fine, I shall be your tutor. Just don't ask Tamaki - he's a downright idiot of sorts." You rolled your eyes and sighed.

"Whatever you say Mister Grumpy Pants." He glared at you slightly, though not evilly. You chuckled lightly and focused on the small dinner the servants had prepared.


As the guests left, you waved Kyoya off and relaxed slightly. Though, it wasn't for long - you felt a menacing presence, that can conquer Kyoya's, behind you. You gulped slowly and turned around to face Harold.

"Who was he?" He questioned with darkened green eyes. You placed your hands behind your back and fiddled with your thumbs. "Well, he's a friend of mine...from school." Harold's tense aura dispersed as he relaxed. He moved closer to you and placed a hand to your cheek. "I'll believe you, sweetie." He gave you a gentle kiss on your cheek and left with his parents.

You shivered and wiped your cheek with your gloves. "Ugh, bratty and persuasive son of a-" "Um, Miss?" You personal maid, Krista, had mumbled. You glanced up and apologized. "Do you need anything, Krista?" She twirled her red hair and mumbled. "N-No...but I want to tell you something." You nodded and beckoned her to come closer.

"Your sisters...have been stripped from their engagement to the Justone brothers and are now engaged to Akito and Yuuichi Ootori." Your eyes widened and you turned towards the blue eyed maid. "Does that mean-" "We're not sure yet, Miss...we'll find out soon."

You nodded and held Krista's pale hands. "Thank you, Krista. You've been good to me." You smiled kindly. "I should say that to you, [Name]..." She giggled. You shook your head and your grip tightened slightly around her delicate hands.

"You're the only servant who doesn't hate my guts. You're very kind." Krista nodded and held your hands. "You're kind as well, [Name]. Now, you should rest for have school tomorrow." You nodded and the two of you walked up the stairs. 

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