Chapter 5

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 You sat in class with weary eyes, your [E/C] began to flutter closed slightly - though you tried to prevent this from happening. You groaned slightly as you felt one of your wounds in your leg start bleeding out slightly.

It began to drip down and onto your white socks. 'Damn, I have to go fucking go now..." You murmured. You looked frantically around the room and just stood up quickly - running out of the room. "Miss [Last Name]!" The teacher called out. She sighed and asked Haruhi to go check up on you.

You ran down the stairs and into the bathroom. You dabbed the blood away with a damp towel, but it the red fluid just kept on flowing. You pulled off your socks and kept dabbing the blood away.

When the blood just continued to flow out of your leg, you began cursing a string of curses. Hearing you voice, Haruhi had run into the bathroom. Her chocolate brown eyes widened when she say the blood to cascade down the your leg. "Are you on-" You quickly shook your head and hung your head low.

"J-Just please help me..." You whimpered through clenched teeth. Haruhi rushed over and kneeled in front of you. She grabbed a roll of bandage she had in her pocket so some odd reason and wrapped it around your deep and large gash.

"How did the cut open?" She questioned. You frowned and hugged your free leg. "Some shitty stitching..." You mumbled under your breath. Haruhi finished and tugged on the end once more before sticking it on.

"Now my real question. How did you get this?" You felt tears brimming your eyes, but you quickly wiped them away. "My father..." You said monotonously. Haruhi frowned and gently began unbuttoning your blazer. After she finished, she unbuttoned your white blouse.

There you sat, with old scars and bruises starting to heal. Some on your stomach, others on your arms. "[Name]-san, I-I don't know what to say. Just-" Haruhi froze, it was one of the only times she had become speechless. "I'm going to your mansion today. Please let me..." She demanded with a polite tone. "Okay..." You whispered. Quickly, Haruhi wrapped her arms around you and gave you the tightest hug.

"I want to help you....we are friends after all. Right?" You smiled at Haruhi's slightly out of character persona. "Of course we are. Honestly, you're the first new friend I've had in a while." You close your eyes and hug Haruhi back.

"Thank you, Haruhi..." You mumble into her short brown hair. You felt something wet and cold drip out of your closed eyes. Then you had finally realized, you are actually crying - the one thing you haven't done for years.

~Time Skip~

The hosts ladies had burst through the doors of the Host Club and you simply watched from the side as they went to their respective host. "[Name]-san..." You heard Kyoya whisper your name. You glanced over at the raven-haired boy and sat in the free chair beside him.

"Yes, Kyo-kun?" You questioned with innocent eyes. His glare darkened and placed his hand near the bottom edge of your blazer and white blouse. "[Name], I have no right to have done this, but I read the page you had written in your notebook. I must say it is surely beautiful, though I am extremely concerned about you."

You frowned and placed your hand on Kyoya's shoulder. "You can look since you know, but I don't want Tamaki to know. In fact, don't tell any of the other hosts." Kyoya hooked his finger under your blouse and begun to pull it up, but stopped part-way.

"You can't run away from this problem, [Name]. You must tell the others sooner or later. I won't force you, but at least let them know when the time comes." You shyly nodded and Kyoya pulled up the rest of your blazer and blouse. With his free hand, he ran his fingers across the scars and bruises on your stomach.

You flushed slightly, but let him inspect some more - he could maybe help you. "Hmmm, these should heal within a few months..." Kyoya muttered, his glasses glaring up. "Just don't get hurt..." Kyoya pulled down your blazer and blouse, making you look neat again.

You couldn't control your emotions and suddenly hugged Kyoya. "Thank you for understanding...." You smiled cutely and nuzzled your face into his chest. Kyoya began to stroke your hair and patted your back lightly. "Well, I must help my fiancé." As he said the last bit, you swore you can hear him smirk. "W-What?" You questioned, pulling yourself away from the hug.

Kyoya pushed up his glasses and went back to business, typing away at his laptop. "I know you heard me, [Name]." You flushed slightly and fiddled with your thumbs. "W-Well my maid DID mention it..." You trailed off and rubbed your arm. "I just thought it wouldn't happen..." You shrugged and glanced over at the other hosts.

Tamaki had wrapped his arms around two girls, making them squeal. Honey was sitting in one of the girl's laps while Mori sat at the side. The devil twins had been doing their 'yaoi' bit and you could see girls with bloody noses and flushed cheeks.

You glanced over and saw Haruhi smiling sweetly, though she was looking at you - not her guests. You smiled back and turned back to Kyoya. So, umm...Kyoya-kun...I-" You suddenly stopped when Kyoya had placed his hand under your chin and made you face him eye to eye. Due to the space between you two (which was about two inches) you had flushed, though tried to hide it.

"Look at me when you speak, not the ground." You scoffed and crossed your arms over your chest. "What will happen to my 'used to be' fiancé?" Kyoya chuckled darkly and leaned over to you to whisper to you. "Well, he doesn't exactly know about our relationship quite yet..." Kyoya smirked and went back to his original position in his seat. You nervously glance back at him and fiddle with your fingers - wondering how Harold would take it and how far he'd go with it. 

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