Chapter 2

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{ A/N Just to answer a few questions from the first chapter. 1) Haruhi will not be an option, but she will be a friend. 2) I was inspired by other Ouran fics so it might seem familar - but I have my own story to it much different than others. Also, I'll be added a few side characters in here - Renge, Nekozawa, Kassanoda, etc. }

"[Name]~ Wake up~" Rina cooed softly in your ear. You cried softly in your sleep, not hearing your sister's calls. Rina growled and pinched your cheek. "Wake up you little sh-" Before she can finish, you bolted out of bed with tears staining your [E/C] eyes and dripping down your cheeks.

"Come on, it's already 6:50." Rina frowned slightly, crossing her arms over her chest. You nodded sadly and stood up from your spot in bed, wearing your [F/C] nightgown. You walked briskly to your wardrobe and can face to face with the disgusting yellow dress. You cringed in disgust and grabbed the other outfit - the Ouran men's blaze and black and midnight blue plaid skirt. Along with that, you grabbed a pair of black knee-high socks.

You frowned and walked into the bathroom, locking the door tightly. You looked at yourself blankly in the mirror, bruises and cuts covered your arms. Of course, this wasn't your doing but your families instead. You sighed once more and stripped down - getting into the shower.


After finishing, you began brushing your [H/L] [H/C] hair. Droplets of water dripped through the tips of your hair and onto the floor. You stared blankly into the mirror once more, your [E/C] eyes no longer having that beautiful and happy glare.

You frowned and grabbed the concealer from the make-up bag and placed some under your eyes to remove the dark bags. You did the rest of your daily routine and walked downstairs to head off to school early.

As you ran down the stairs you just had to run into your father. "S-Sorry sir.." You spoke before continuing out the door. "[Name]. I'd like to let you know that I am a new company leader for the invention department. Which means later tonight we will have a few people interested in our businesses come here tonight. Don't stay after school for too long." He said with a piercing golden gaze.

"Alright, sir." You bowed and quickly escaped out the doors. You snapped your fingers and out came the limo driver. "Bring me to school please." You replied with a straight face, your brown book bag hanging by your side.

"Yes, right away Mistress." He opened up the limo door and let you enter inside. You sat down with your right leg crossed over your let and you stared out the window till' you got there. Though, there were a few familiar faces you saw as you reached the school. Tamaki, the little blonde boy, Haruhi, and a tall man with black hair. "Mistress..." The limo driver held the door open for you. "Thanks..." You muttered and waved him off. He drove off quickly and you sighed in relief. "Good morning you four." You smiled awkwardly and waved.

"Good morning, [Name]." Haruhi smiled politely. You returned the smile and turned towards the two unknown men you didn't know. "I'm sorry, I don't know you're names." The blonde boy smiled cutely and stuck his tongue out. "You'll find out later, [Name]-chan!" You chuckled lightly and nodded.

"It's only 7:30. We have some time to spend at the host club!" Tamaki said cheerfully, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you along. "T-Tamaki!" You shouted as he dragged you along. Tamaki instantly stopped and his violet eyes glittered with joy. "Say it again! Say my name again!" He pleaded, you blushed slightly at his adorable pleading face. 'What a puppy...' you thought to yourself before saying his name simply. "Tamaki...." Tamaki squealed in delight and hugged you, spinning you around.

He finally lowered you to the floor and you all continued to the club.


"Welcome to the Host Club!" Tamaki said happily, doing random arm motions. You chuckled at the overuse of sparkles and petals and quietly entered inside. "Good morning, Hikaru-kun, Kaoru-kun, and Kyoya-kun." You smiled politely with a gentle smile. "Morning, [Name]-chan!" The twins grinned in delight, Kyoya only nodded as response.

"Now, I should introduce you properly!" Tamaki began pointing to all the different hosts. "Takashi Morinozuka, The Strong and Silent Type!" Mori grunted in response and replied with a simple word. "Mori." You realized that he wanted to call you that, simple. You nodded in response and turned towards the small blonde boy.

"This is Mitsukuni Haninozuka, The Boy-Lolita Type." Mitsukuni giggled adorably and spoke up. "Call me Honey!" He grinned happily, just seeing him made your heart flutter and fill with joy. You smiled back kindly and filled with pure joy. Honey's eyes widened and he grinned, showing his sparkly white teeth.

"Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, The Little Devil Type." Tamaki presented the twins to you, even though you are fully aware of them. The twins did that double pistol and wink in unison towards you, making you chuckle and shake your head with a smile.

"As you know, this is Kyoya Ootori! The cool type." Kyoya glanced over at you for a moment then went back to typing away at his laptop. 'Cool type? Pfft! As if, he's more of the cold type.' You thought to yourself.

"Next we have Haruhi Fujioka! The Natural Type!" Haruhi waved shyly at you, you waved back with a bright smile. "Now finally, myself. Tamaki Suoh. The Princely Type." He placed a finger under your chin and neared you slightly, you didn't know how many shades of red you were right now. Sure you weren't entranced my his actions, just surprised is all.

"Ha! More like the phony type!" You heard a female voice screech out. You glanced in the corner to see a woman with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. "Hello?" You questioned with a confused expression. The girl took notice of your presence and squealed. "Oh my gosh! You're [Name] [Last Name]! I love your games!"

"Thank you-" You paused for a moment, not knowing this otaku's name. "Renge Houshakuji!" She grinned, you nodded and pushed her off.

"Wait, you make videogames?!" The twins yelled in unison, you cringed slightly then nodded. "Well, I make the game myself though. My father used to be in charge of the company, then he stopped. I secretly continued, since a lot of Otakus seemed to like them. Though, I'm not the head of the company my second eldest sister Yukki is. I do all the work though." You sighed and frowned, sitting down on the couch nearby.

You noticed Kyoya writing in his black book again, once you two made eye contact - you quickly turned away. You didn't see his small smirk before looking back down in his black book. "Hmm.." You heard Renge musing next to you.

"Is there something wrong?" She nodded her head and shifted closer to you. "I was thinking of what type you were. If you were a host that is." You raised an eyebrow and crossed your legs again. "Hmm...maybe the calm type? The creative type? The loving type? Ah! I've got one!" She held your hands and grinned mischievously. "How about the shy type?"

"S-Shy type? B-But, I'm hardly shy at all!" You flushed slightly, you were not shy...or were you? "Aw, but you were so shy when you were little." Tamaki teased, wrapping his arms around you. "But that was before...I'm not shy anymore." You flushed a bit more and crossed you arms, making an adorable pouty face. You puffed out your pink cheeks slightly, Tamaki chuckled and looked at you with a slight smile.

"You haven't changed at all." He chuckled. You chuckled very quietly and elbowed him in a playful light way. "Well, we should all get to class now." You spoke before getting up and brushing down your skirt. You picked up your book bag and left with Haruhi, Hikaru, and Kaoru. 

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