Chapter 4

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  You slung your shoulders in sadness and carried the book and notebook with you towards school. You hadn't felt exactly well since last night, you weren't hung-over or anything - just tired and sick.

You had gotten to school early and already headed to the room where you now casually hang out with the Host Club. As you swung upon the doors, sparkles and rose petals had breezed through. Since you loved the scent of the roses now, you were always delighted to go through these very doors everyday.

"Morning, [Name]-chan!" A familiar blonde bunny loving Lolita jumped into your arms - making you drop your book and notebook. "Morning, Honey-senpai~" You said cheerfully, your fatigue suddenly disappearing. Ever since you met the club two days ago, you could count on Honey to make you happy as ever.

I understand that two days isn't long, but these men (and Haruhi) just made you feel so happy and peaceful once again.

You noticed two devilish red-heads pick up your notebook and eye it suspiciously. "What's this, [Name]-chan?" They questioned, looking through the pages. "Just my sketches..." You mumbled, putting Honey down and taking the [F/C] spiral notebook away from them.

"I don't particularly like people looking through them though..." You huffed and picked up the other book. You noticed it was no longer on the ground and in the hands of Tamaki.

"Fairy Tales..." Tamaki muttered, looking at the cover and reading the title. He chuckled lightly, closing his violet eyes and gave the mint green book back to you. "You really haven't changed at all." Tamaki said with a cheeky smile. You simply rolled your [E/C] orbs and clutched the two books to your chest.

"I didn't know you liked to draw, [Name]-san." Haruhi mused and asked if she can see them. Suddenly feeling trustworthy of her, you slid the spiral book into her hands and watched flip through.

"Your style is very beautiful, [Name]." Haruhi's eyes widened, then she scanned over the latest page. Noticing your nervousness, she glanced up and asked politely. "May I read it?" You nodded nervously as she skimmed over the few paragraphs you had written down.

"I must say, you're style of art and writing is very beautiful." Haruhi complimented, handing the notebook back to you. "Thank you." You said with a glowing smile. You glanced over at Kyoya and saw that he was reading something on his laptop.

"How interesting, I never got this..." He mumbled aloud. You walked over and peered behind him to read what was on the screen. "Due to special events occurring of the beginning of the year class projects, all classes before lunch will be canceled for the next seven days." You read out loud, catching the attention of the other hosts.

"Aw, yeah!" The twins shouted happily, you chuckled at their cute childish behavior and glanced over at them with sneaky [E/C] eyes and a grin. "But, you two still have to help Haruhi, all of Class 1-A, and myself with the school project." The twins groaned in sync, but suddenly got an idea.

"We'll help, only if you let us come over to your place this week...." The twins said mischievously. You sweat-dropped and gulped, you didn't really want them meeting your family.

"Then, we don't need your help." You huffed with a straight face. The twins frowned and hugged you from behind. "Please, [Name]-chan." The both begged with a childish tone and puppy eyes.

"Only on one condition, don't speak to my family." You commanded, crossing your arms. The twins nodded with grins on their faces. "Well, we might as well get planning for the beginning of the year festival thing." You said with a smile.

Everyone nodded and left the Host Club, all except Kyoya - who was still typing away. "You're not coming, Kyoya-kun?" Kyoya shook his head and continued to type. You walked over to his desk and placed your notebook and Fairy Tale book next to his laptop.

"Mind if I keep my things here?" Kyoya shook his head and glanced over at you for a few moments. "You may, I don't mind." You smiled and bowed. "Thanks, Kyo-kun. See you later!" You grinned and left the room.

Kyoya glanced over at your notebook and picked it up, sorting through your drawings. Haruhi was right, your style was very beautiful and gave a deep meaning with no words. It's almost like your drew with your heart.

Though, the one writing piece you had in there caught Kyoya's attention. He began reading to himself and suddenly was captivated by your wondrous words.

'I've always had dreamed and hoped for a world where all was equal and none was high than others. I have wished for a world where humans would not ever quell and lived in peace. I admire those who can brighten up even the saddest or angriest soul and can live a world of positivity and optimism.

Though, I am mostly envious of those who live a life with love surrounding them. They get to enjoy their family's warmth and their genuine solicitous for their child or sibling or relative. They live tranquil lives and are able to know the true feeling of love.

I used to be like that, oh how I miss those days. Days when I could see my guardian's beautiful smile and run up to her and be embraced with her loving passion.

Of course, those days are long gone. My whole world is filled with agonizing pain and dead emotions. No sign of genuine expression, only simple glares. The blades and lashes are slashed across my body, tearing my once innocent soul and locking it in a cage where no one could ever find it. It was been lost in the darkness for too long....' 

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