Chapter 4: It's a Secret

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We stopped by Tristan's house minutes later. I'd been here so many times before; watching movies, playing games, and just doing friend things. But we weren't just friends anymore. That much was apparent. I had no reason to be nervous this time. It was just Tristan.

His house was a two-story house. I could see a window from the kitchen and one from an upstairs bedroom. I bit my bottm lip lightly. I tended to do that a lot when I was thinking about something. I ran my fingers through my hair and looked over to Tristan. He was quietly watching me.

“What are you thinking right now?” he asked softly. I sighed and looked forward.

“Just that this could potentially be bitter-sweet,” I whispered. He turned to face me fully and touched my arm gently.

“Holly… I really like you. I always have. But age, and…” he trailed off and sighed.

“You're dating my sister,” I finished off in a whisper. I looked at his perfect clean shaven jaw line and his tussled hair. I sighed. "I was surprised you even said yes when she asked you. I've seen you reject every girl that flirts with you. Why did you say yes to Crystal?" I asked curiously. He looked away from me a moment before he sighed. 

"I wanted you," he answered honestly. "But I didn't know you felt that way about me too, and there was the whole age thing, so I figured I would give your sister a shot. But she's nothing like you," he explained.

We sat silently for a while, neither of us moving. I looked down at my lap where Tristan's hand was still on my thigh. 

“We could try,” he said softly. I wanted to try, but I knew it was wrong. He tucked my hair behind my ear and left his hand on my cheek. I closed my eyes and nodded. Even though it was risky, my pull to him was too strong to ignore.

“Okay,” I agreed. I smiled softly and nodded again. He smiled and kissed me quickly. He opened his door. I opened mine as well but he asked me not too. I rolled my eyes and smiled as he came around to my side and opened the door. I was happier than the time I got a job at Ridgeway. He reached out and laced his fingers through mine. He smiled over at me and led me inside. It was simple set up. He had a worn navy couch and a matching single seat facing the TV. The kitchen was a few feet behind the couch. The stairs were on the left of the living room. I ran my fingers through my red hair and waited as Tristan closed the door.

“What about Crystal?” Tristan asked. I sat on the couch next to him and thought.

“I don't know. If you broke up with her, people would pick up on us really quickly. I mean, people already think that we're too close. Maybe... maybe Crystal could be a cover of some sort. People won't suspect anything going on with us if you're dating my sister," I thought out loud.

He looked like he was about to disagree, but quickly closed his mouth and nodded. I knew that he didn't want to think about possibly getting caught. Hell, I didn't either. A sly smile spread across his face. I put my arms around his neck.

“What are you thinking?” I asked. His smile widened and he turned completely towards me. His hand held onto my waist while his forehead rested on mine.

“I’m thinking that we have some time until we have to go,” he said huskily. I laughed, matching his tone. I leaned back when his lips pressed against mine. My back hit the couch and my fingers tangled in his hair and pulled. His hands ran up and down my sides. His fingers ran under my shirt at my waist. I squeezed my eyes shut and released my grip on his hair. I ran my fingers down his chest and stomach. He groaned and hovered only inches above me. I broke away and smiled at him breathlessly.

“You still don’t have that much time,” I breathed, even though I wanted to keep going. He chuckled huskily and brought his lips down to my neck. My lips parted slightly and my eyes shut. My back arched and I muffled a moan. He chuckled and pressed harder against my neck. I practically whimpered and arched against him harder.

“Not funny,” I breathed. He chuckled before he pulled his lips away and kissed my neck gently before he sat up. I opened my eyes and sat up too. I ran my fingers through my hair and looked at him breathlessly. “Not fair either.” I said. He chuckled and kissed my cheek.

“You said yourself that I don’t have that much time,” he smiled. He changed quickly and we headed out to my house.

Tristan stopped the car in the driveway and smiled discreetly to me. We got out and walked to the door. I unlocked and opened the door. Crystal was sitting in the living room. She looked at us confused. I gave her a wry grin and shrugged.

“My car wouldn’t start at Ridgeway, so Tristan gave me a ride since he was coming over here anyway,” I explained calmly. I was surprised at how easy it was to keep a straight face. I continued through the hallway and started up the stairs.

“Oh, Holly, I’ll come pick you up tomorrow since your car is still down if you want me to,” Tristan offered. I stopped and looked back to him. Crystal attached herself to his side and smiled up at him.

“You don’t have to do that; I’ll take her,” Crystal cut in. I stopped myself from glaring at her.

“Thanks Crys,” I mumbled before I turned and headed up the stairs to my room. I couldn’t see the driveway from my window, but I could hear his car start and leave. It bothered me a bit that Crystal was out with him again. She was straightforward and often got everything she wanted, but she took an abstinence pledge in high school. Plus, Tristan was really mine anyway. 

*Tristan's house is in the media off the the side of this chapter to give you a better feel of placement*

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