four ▷ backstage

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Akane could only stare at her phone for several minutes trying to figure out who had texted her. It wasn't even like it was anything weird, it was literally just one word; hello.

Yet that one word had thrown Akane completely off. Nobody texted her besides her father, Mao, and occasionally some of the other workers at the bakery, or some distant friends or family members on special occasions like a holiday. So who was texting her? It was in English too nonetheless, which puzzled her more. Surprisingly, not many people she knew spoke English.

"Hey, Mao?" Akane questioned from the couch where she was lounging.

"Yeah?"  Mao looked up from her computer that she was typing on doing who knows what.

"Who do you think this is?" she frowned as she handed her phone over to her.

Mao took the phone from Akane and stared at the screen. "Would it be one of those hot guys that is helping you?" she raised her eyebrows at her friend, curious if Akane had given any of them her number. She was so rooting for that Adam guy, he was a total cutie.

The others were too, but she found out that the two brothers were both married and had kids. The other two though, she had found out were single. For that, she had to thank the internet, and she didn't even care if it was creepy. She had just wanted to do research, because she was not going to let her dearest friend around just any guys, she had to make sure they were suitable to be around her dearest Akane. Because Akane had a tendency to take a liking to people  quickly, and that always didn't end well, especially since her last boyfriend who she insisted was "nice" stole 1000 yen and several comic books.

Akane laughed, and smacked herself in the forehead feeling rather stupid. What was that one saying? 'You're such a blonde!' at least, she remembered hearing it on some English T.V. show she watched. She never really understood it fully, but she connected it to meaning 'stupid' and if that was the case then that was what she was. "Probably," she took her phone back and texted back: Is this Kenny?

It would be extremely awkward it if wasn't. Did she give anyone else her number?

Within seconds the ding went off alerting her that he had replied: Yeah. How are you?

She wondered if there was any particular reason why he was texting her. I'm great, what about you?  With that she added him to her contacts. But every contact she had had a picture, so she knew she had to take one of him, or with him next time she sees him. Because she was not going to put it as some random photo of him from the internet.

Lonely without the bucks  Her phone buzzed again as another text came in. That left her curious for a second until she figured they probably went back to the states for ROH or their families. Do you want to come to the show tonight?

She rose her eyebrows as she stared at the screen. He was inviting her to the show? She had nothing better to do. And maybe if she watched the show, she wouldn't have to run the ropes again or get dragged to the gym. She shot a quick text as she shut her phone off and got up. She knew it started soon, and if she got ready now, she could make it there early.

Running off to her room, Akane grabbed one of the shirts she had bought in support for her dad, and put it on, matching it with leggings. That was a safe outfit choice if they ended up working out. Which she had a feeling that they might. Just to be sure, she didn't wear any jewelry.

With that, she grabbed her phone, and blue ish purse that was a gift last Christmas, and called goodbye to Mao as she left their apartment. As always the ride was quick, but as Akane got there, she began to feel nervous.

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