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"Yoona he isn't picking up" I say after entering her room. She is just lying in the bed looking at me all tired. Yoona nods slowly and I sit down on the couch beside her bed.

"Could you please try it again in a few minutes?" she turns to me. I see that she is pouting slightly. "But I- Yeah sure" I answer seeing how desperate she is. I've already called him 4 times but there is no sign of this idiot. His wife is lying in hospital having contraction every 20 minutes.

I lean back looking on the floor letting out a deep sigh. "I'm sorry" Yoona utters and fills the silence room. "Yoorae please" she says again and I look up to her. But maybe I shouldn't think back. Maybe I should just focus on the present now. In which I'm at the side of my ex's wife. It's just- Ahh. I don't know.

"It's okay" I say giving her a small smile. "No it's not" she says. "But you can't change it. So let it" I answer her back immediately. "If I would have known it, I wouldn't seperate you guys back then" she whispers and I see how she is looking at her hands.

"Maybe I took the opportunity for you to lie here and wait for your baby" she places her hands on her belly, stroking it. "And you also didn't have to meet Sohye."

"That would be great actually" I say chuckling. She laughs a little bit and her lips move downwards again.

"I want to be honest with you" she says and I immediately look down on the floor. "If I had the chance a part of me would like to disappear from your life but I'm also so gratetful that I've met Minjun" she says and I don't look at her. What should I think?

"I'm really sorry to say it like that" she says and I hear her voice cracking at the end. "Don't cry" I look at her frowning. "I'm so emotional right now" she says and I shake with my head.

"But now it just feels like I've took your dream and wish. I know that you want to be married and pregnant" I look up in her teary eyes. She quickly wipes her tears away. "I have other dreams now" I whisper to her. "Really?"

"I still want to marry and all of it but I can dream and wish about other things too"

"Mind to share with me?"

"Like being good with Yoongi again." I answer smiling at the thought of him. "You two look good together. I ship you two." she says and her smile seems really sincere. "I'm sorry for the bad things my friend did"
I smile at her and don't say a single word.

"But you know, I'm also grateful that you entered my life" I tell her. Her eyes widen at that. "How? Why?"

"You made us break up and with that I was able to meet Yoongi and start a new relationship" I say looking around in the room. "You kind of helped me to go on with my life again. I don't think that I would be happy with Minjun now. You saved me" I explain with all my heart. It's really true. I'm happier with Yoongi.

"And so I'm not that mad. It's great that he cheated on me. Thank you" I say starting to smile slowly. She looks down on her belly and I see that the corner of her lips lift up.

"I would've never thought that someone would be happy about something bad like that" she looks up to me starting to chuckle. "Yeah I know" I say also laughing.

"Thank you" Yoona says with a slight smile. "Thank you too" I say realizing how happy I should be. I mean just imagine me lying here waiting for my husband to come all the way from Japan. I would kill him. So I'm happy that I'm not in her shoes.

Am I bad?

No I'm not.

"Could you perhap-"

"Yeah I will try it again" I say immediately and pick up her phone to call Minjun again.


Oh god it feels like it's getting serious here. The midwife looks like she is about to pull the baby out of Yoona. Oh well what should I think or say or feel. What am I? Why am I questioning myself?

"Please don't leave me alone" Yoona grabs onto my arm behind hear head. "I don't have another choice" I smile slightly at her and she starts to breath loudly.

"You can start to push Yoona" The midwife says opening her legs further. Oh god this will be a torture. "Just slowly don't forget the breathing." I show her how to breath and she makes the same. "Huff- Ahhh" she screams and grabs my hand squeezing it.

"Is it a boy or a girl??" I ask shouting since Yoona started to scream her throat off.

"It's a boy" she cries out digging her nails in my skin. "Ouuch" I whine quietly. "Shut up!" she yells letting out a loud scream after that. "Ahh my hand" I whine at her grip trying to get my hand back. "Yoona my hand" I start to whine louder. "Ahh I can't anymooore" she grabs my shirt pulling me closer to her face. "Yoorae pull the baby out of me"

"You have to push" I feel the tears falling down my cheeks. Oh god the emotions are too strong. "Just a few push's more" the midwife tells her.

"Push the boy out" I say leaning over her due to her grip. This woman is almost choking me. "Oh my god what is this" I ask since my attention gets on her vagina. There is no other place for me to look at this moment. Why am I here?! This is too much for me. I want to cry.

"His head is finally out" the midwife tells us happily. "Oh god thats his head" I start to sob quietly starting to smile like an idiot. "His head is out oh my gosh!!!" I squeal behind Yoona who is leaning her head back and forth while pushing.

"Push more" I say bringing her hair, which fell on her face to the back. "I can't" she cries loud. "Yoona you can do it" I try to motivate her. How am I doing this?!

"A few push's more!" the midwife says concentrated. "His shoulders are out!" "Oh my god push!" I grab her shoulders trying to hold her back. She is holding onto my arms behind her and digging her nails further in.

"I'm pushing" she cries leaning her head back again. "Just one strong push" the midwife says. "Okay" she says going forward with her head screaming and pushing again.

In the next moment I hear the scream of a baby and Yoona lets go of me falling exhausted with her head on the pillow breathing loudly in and out. I see how the midwife places her baby on her chest and she holds up her head again touching the small body above her.

I look down to her and she is wiping away her tears and kissing the head of her baby. It's not like I'm crying but actually I'm really crying. I wipe away my tears and hear the door open up in sudden.

Minjun dashes in shoving me away from the side of the bed. He leans down kissing Yoona's and their baby's forehead. I watch every movement of them analizing every step every touch they're taking and feel more and more jealous.

I start to smile at the sight in front of me and turn around leaving the room.


Yoongi's pov

I'm in my studio listening to the mixtape of each of us, trying to find out if I could make it better or leave it like that.

I honestly like those beats and it fits perfectly with the lyrics.

And I'm also happy that things are slowly working out with Yoorae. I mean she said that she will forgive me. I can understand that she needs time. But she can have the time she wants. I'm just happy that we will get together again. Everything seems on its right place again. No misunderstandings, no bad nights. Everything is fine.

I let the headphone's down stretching my arms and legs. It's pretty late already.

I want to check the time on my phone when it starts to vibrate. Seoyon is calling me.

"Hey" I greet her. "Yoongi hurry up! Yoorae is  in the hospital. Her life is in danger. She is in the center hospital the big one. You know which one I mean. Don't ask just come!" and with that she hung up.

What the hell?!

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