Who Is The Master?Akame Strauss x Touken Ranbu Guys

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"Master!I've brought your meal!"Hasebe knocked lightly on the wooden door,hearing no response made him freak out

"Master?I'm coming in"Silently,Hasebe entered the room,he walked past the futon laying on the ground and looked at the end of the room where a woman was standing

"W-Who are you?!"Hasebe freaked out as he got into a fighting stance as the woman turned around

"Seriously,Hasebe—Can't you even recognize your own master now?"The woman turned around,she had long black locks that reached the ground

Her eyes were a shining shade of red that seemed to pierce through him,She was wearing a black kimono that had a few red lines and was lifted up and looked like men's kimono

"M-Master?!Is that really you?!"Hasebe took a step forward as he recognized the tone

However,since he hasn't really seen his master's face,he was quite shocked to learn that his master wasn't actually a he but instead a she

"I am surely not shocked by this,seeing as I had never shown my face to any of you"She sighs as she sits down and grabs her sword

"I am the God of War,Akame—Your Master"Akame looked at Hasebe with her piercing red eyes

"B-But,How?—I mean why?Why did you show your face to me now?"Hasebe asked in shocked

She sure is gorgeous,Hasebe was quite star-struck seeing how beautiful his so-called Master actually was

"I figured it was time,besides I have been wanting to meet the others for a long time now"She gave off a small smile which pierced an arrow through his heart

'No,No,No!Hasebe—Falling in love with Master is not acceptable!' Hasebe talked to himself through his mind as he mentally slapped himself in the face

"S-Shall I escort you and call everyone for you,Master?"Hasebe asked as he bowed to her

"Yes,you shall~I will go down when you call me~"Akame nodded as Hasebe walked out

"Oi,Everyone!"Hasebe rang the huge bell as everyone gathered

"What's up,Hasebe?"Shokudaikiri asked Hasebe

"Yeah,What's up with the sudden call?"Yasusada asked

"Is it another mission from Master?"Kashuu questions

"No...Master–Master!"Hasebe trails off with a panicked expression on his face

"Master?...."Souza tilted his head waiting for him to continue

"What's wrong with Master?"Mikazuki asked

"M-Master wants to meet everyone here!"Hasebe shouted with his eyes closed


"Master does?Really?!"Nikkari had a shocked expression,while the kids had their mouths open in shock

"Prepare the sake!We're going for a celebration!"Jiroutachi cheered

"Jirou—It's too early,besides you shouldn't make Master drink"Taroutachi said

"This is kind of exciting,don't you think–Ichi-nii?"Yagen asked turning to Ichigo

"It is,Considering that none of us–Except for Hasebe-san–has seen Master's face"Ichigo nodded

"Actually,I haven't seen Master's face too—Only today"Hasebe admitted

"Eh,Really?!"Otegine said

"Wait here—I'll go get,Master!"Hasebe quickly ran up to Master's Room leaving them all behind

"I womder what kind of guy,Master is?~"Kuniyuki wondered

"I'm sure he's a gentle,caring man—Considering he took us all in and gave us this bodies"Hachisuka said

"Master is here"Hasebe bowed to the side as a woman entered

"A pleasure to meet you all—I am the God of War,The current Saniwa of this Citadel—Akame"The gorgeous woman with long black locks and piercing red eyes bowed at them

"M-Master?!"Yasusada was the first to react

"Hai?"Akame turned to him

"Hasebe,Is our master really a woman?..."Mutsunokami asked

"Indeed"Hasebe nodded

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