The One Ichinomiya Eisuke x Nishikino Maki x Jumin Han

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Maroon hair which shone brightly under the moonlight,Purple orbs that seemed to behold the most beautiful gems in them

She was perfect

She was the type of woman who would perk your interest with one glance,Her purple orbs seemed to shine with the many secrets it held,the cunning smile that was placed on her delicate yet soft lips

She was simply mysterious—And the only thing he desired for,Was to meet her,How graceful she looked on that winter night
Ichinomiya Eisuke was walking around the park,along with him was Jumin Han,Both corporate directors didn't have their assistants with them

They were simply out for a simple business talk,But they were old friends in business—Eisuke was on a short vacation there in Korea

So Jumin offered to show him around,and decided to catch up with one another as they haven't seen each other for so long

It was a cold winter night,Snow was falling—They were just walking around discussing a few things here and there

When Jumin had accidentally bumped into a woman—

"Ah,Sorry!"The woman squeaked out as Jumin helped her up

"My apologies,I wasn't looking where I was going,Are you unhurt?"Jumin politely asked the woman

"It's fine,I am to blame too—I am perfectly fine,thank you"When the woman lifted her head to see Jumin and Eisuke

The two men where bewildered,for they had never seen a beauty such as she held—Her long maroon hair messily but gracefully draped over her shoulders,and her eyes were just simply enchanting to look at

"I must be going,Thank you for your time"The woman politely bowed at Jumin before running off

The two men looked at each other before shaking their heads and walking away,but that woman surely caught their interest
Ever since that day,Eisuke and Jumin had both tried using their power to look for that woman

But she still wasn't found—She was never found once again

"Ichinomiya Eisuke and Jumin Han,Hm?~"The woman,namely,Nishikino Maki smirks as she looks over the profile of the two corporate heirs

"This might be interesting~"A delicate chuckle leaves her lips as she throws their profile aside and walked away on her phone

"Shuu,I'll take the job~"

"Eisuke,What's the meaning of this?"Jumin walked into Eisuke's penthouse with quite a furious gaze after he got on the phone with him

"It's just as I told you earlier,I've had Soryu to look into it and we've confirmed it"Eisuke sighs as Jumin takes a seat in front of him

"I won't allow this thing to happen,Besides what could we have possibly done to make this so called Organization after us?"Jumin asks with seriousness in his steel cold gray orbs

"We don't know—But,it might be because of our power—From what Soryu has gathered it seems they are after the two of us"Eisuke sighs once again as he frustratedly hold his hair with one hand

"Then,I'll just get bodyguards—"Jumin says

"I'm afraid even hiring the best bodyguards won't work"Eisuke cuts him off

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