Erza The Knight Erza Scarlet x Gray Fullbuster x Jellal Fernandes

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Jellal and Gray were bith tasked by Master Makarov to go on a mission together to defeat a dark guild,but then both of them are captured,Master insisted that only thr two of them go because they didnt get aling because they both love erza,then erza says that its too dangerous for both of them and then proposed the idea of letting an s class wizard go with them but they bkth denied her and then master says there are no other s class wizards aside from erza,she wanted to go but both of them told her it was too dangerous she shiuts 'I'm an S Class Wizard' reminding that neither of the two were s class wizards,master ends the arguement by pointing out that Jellal is one of the Ten Wizard Saints that is of a higher level than the S Class ones,gray feels outdone because his competitor is one of the ten wizard saints

"Oi,Hurry up before the intruders wake up!"A voice warns

"I'm done!I'm done!"Another voice says and then they hear a door shut

"Alright,now what do we do?"Gray groaned when both he and Jellal sensed that there was no one else inside the room aside from the two of them

"Uh...Break these ropes and continue the mission?"Jellal asked

"Now how exactly are we supposed to break these ropes when these are magic-proof ropes?"Gray groaned again

"It's no use...Why was I so stupid to get caught in the first place?"Jellal groaned too

Both of them,were now tied with their hands behind their backs with magic-proof ropes and had no ways of escaping

"I told you we should've let Erza come with us"Gray said

"No way,If we got caught,I'm sure she will too,So it was better she didn't"Jellal said

Now,how did these two exactly get in this situation?

"Gray,Jellal"Master Makarov called out to the two mages and ushered for them to come to him

Once they did,Master Makarov grinned as he slapped a piece of paper down on the wooden table,right in front of the two mages

"What's this?"Gray asked as he read the contents of the paper

"A mission to defeat a small dark guild that's been terrorizing a town?"Jellal questioned

"Exactly,I want the two of you to do it~"Masket grinned at them

"The two of us?"Jellal asked

"Me and this blue-haired idiot?!No thanks!I can do this just by myself"Gray snickered

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?!"Jellal said,obviously offended by what Gray just said

"Mira told me that the two of you don't get along that well,So to fix that,I decided that you two should go on this mission alone!"Master ordered

"That damned Mira..."Gray clenched his knuckles,knowing fully why Mirajane would do this

A few meters away,Erza,who was on the request board,heard what the master said and quickly came over

"If they're going on a mission to defeat a dark guild,then I propose for them to take an S-Class Wizards to accompany them"Erza said,stars shining in her eyes which obviously meant that she wanted to come along

"Hmm,We have no other S-Class Wizards available right now...Aside from you and Mirajane..."Master said

"No!"Jellal and Gray both said at the same time

"Wha?..."Erza asked

"It's too dangerous for you!"Gray scolded

"Yeah,You should just leave this to us"Jellal said

"Are you serious?I'm an S-Class Wizard!Nothing's too dangerous for me!"Erza said

And then it hit them,Neither of The two were S-Class Wizards like Erza

The three continued their arguements until Mastee had heard enough and decided to barge in

"Everyone shut up!Erza,I understand your concern for these two...However"Master sighed

"Jellal was one of the Ten Wizard Saints,that means he is capable of doing a job without an S-Class Mage"Master said

"End of discussion,now hurry up and finish the mission you two!"Master shooed them off

However,unknown to the two,a certain scarlet-haired armored woman was secretly following them

"Oh no,I got caught up in defeating the guys I forgot that Jellal and Gray were captured!"Erza muttered to herself as she knocked out the last remaining member of the Dark Guild,Alstone

"Oh well,I guess I have no other choice~Time for some action~"Erza smirked as she requipped into her The Giant's Armor and walked inside the guild of Alstone


"Who is this demon?!"


"Is that?..."Jellal asked

"They're calling her a demon,there's no one else aside from her"Gray smirked

And in a second,The door was thrown to the wall,a few soldiers following up behind it

"I've been meaning to try my new armor,seems like I didn't even need it to take you down~"The familiar tone of Erza's voice spoke

"But,I'll give you the honor of seeing it~"Erza smirked

"Requip: Sword Wing Armor!"After the light disappeared,Jellal and Gray were shocked to see Erza in her new armor

It takes the form of a beautiful gown,with a hem sprouting from it,being tied with a belt,the upper part consists of a shoulderless sleeves,and a flower petal on her left hand,as she wore knee-high heels boots,The armor consists of swords being used for many purposes,primarily as wings,her scarlet hair was swept up in a half-bun with two sticks on it,as it appeared a little curvy


"Blade Dance!"and with that one attack,all the other men were knocked unconscious

Erza,then,quickly requipped to her usual Heart Kreuz Armor and cut the ropes,freeing Jellal and Gray

"As much as humiliating this is to say to you...Thank you"Jellal sighed

"You know,normally it's the guy who saves the girl,It seems the opposite though"Gray said

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