Just You And Me Kurosawa Yamato x Kirisaki Chitoge

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This was what Chitoge was currently feeling,Alone–Inside a large house,all alone

Spending her free time,laying around,lazing all over—Her boyfriend,was out somewhere

That was the problem

It was one of those days,That Chitoge didn't have work,She was given a vacation by her mother because she was so stressed and was becoming a workaholic like her

So she wanted to spend it happily,relaxing with her boyfriend,Yamato—But,instead,she was alone

He was out in the mall with friends,or so he said—Saying,that he was meeting up with some of his highschool friends there

"Ugh..."Chitoge groaned as she rolled on the bed,Her long blondepinkette locks messily rolling around as she put it down

"I want tempura..."Chitoge moans silently,as she sat up on the bed,Her laptop was on the bed,where she was previously watching some animes

"I'll try to call Yamato and get him to buy me some!~"Chitoge beamed up as she opened her phone and called Yamato

"Chitoge,What's wrong?"

"What time are you coming home,Yamato?"

"Oh,Maybe around 6 or 7?Sorry,We have a lot to catch up on..."

"6,7...Oh,That's alright"

"Why did you call?"

"I was just checking...to see,what you're doing.."

"I see,Well–I have to go now,Bye,I love you,Chitoge–Wait for me later~"

"Bye...I love you too,Yamato.."

"Mou!"Chitoge threw her phone on the bed after the call,Throwing her fists down on the sheets

"Now what?..I'm hungry,and I'm sure,I'm too tired to walk.."Chitoge sighs as she holds her hair up

"Ah,Saeyoung!"Chitoge gives off a bright smile as she dials another number on her phone

"Hello?Defender of Justice,Seven Zero Seven,here!~"

"Chitoge?I'm here..."A red-haired,gold-eyed,guy wuth black and yellow glasses shouted as he rang the doorbell

"It's open!"Chitoge shouts from the bedroom,as Saeyoung sighs before opening the door,locking it as he enters it

"Where are you?"


Seconds later,Chitoge smiles when she sees her dear best friend enter the bedroom,with food and drinks in his hands

"Did you bring it?"

"The usual,Of course!Watching Anime would never be complete without these babies!~"Saeyoung Choi,Chitoge's Hacker and Agent best friend grins as he raises the pack of Honey Butter Chips and Ph Dr. Pepper,strolling to Chitoge and sitting on her bed

"And of course,your all-time favorite,Tempura!~"

"You don't have work today?"Chitoge asks as she grabs the chopsticks and Tempura

"Nope~I asked Vanderwood for a one-day off of work,surprisingly the Company agreed!~"Saeyoung smiles

"What do you wanna watch?"

"Hm~Do you feel like watching...some Black Butler?"Chitoge wiggles her eyebrows as Saeyoung wiggles his eyebrows too

"THE PHOENIX!~"Saeyoung and Chitoge both stand on the bed,replaying the famous move from the Anime 'Black Butler: Book of the Atlantic'

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